The President Sebastian Pinera reaffirmed this afternoon press - TopicsExpress


The President Sebastian Pinera reaffirmed this afternoon press criticism and the judiciary for the performance they had during the military dictatorship , stating in the first case did not report the truth what was happening and the second for not fulfilling the role of protect the rule of law and life and " systematically denied habeas corpus that could have saved many lives." In this way , Bush again referred to the period after the coup , ensuring that there was no justification for the occurrence of human rights violations during the government of Augusto Pinochet. The Head of State said of the coup that this occurred "because the political forces were not able to take care of our democracy , our rule of law , our healthy living , but it is also true that after the military coup was committed serious , repeated and systematic human rights violations by state agents and that certainly is a situation we should all condemn firmly , clearly and permanently " . "There is no circumstance , of any kind, at any time or place to justify trampling the human rights of any citizen," he said in La Moneda flanked by Interior Minister Andrés Chadwick , and the Minister of Justice , Patricia Perez . "In a few days " is to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the military coup , it is good to remember it is not right to ignore or simply hide situations so deeply affecting our country , "he said . Piñera also insisted that the authorities of the dictatorship have political responsibility in the events after the coup , noting that " the highest authorities of the military government that they knew or should have known of human rights abuse have a political responsibility and also many others who had knowledge or should have had them , "he said . At this point addressed the judiciary , noting that this " did not fulfill its role of protecting the rule of law, to protect life and then systematically denied protection resources that could have saved many lives." Also questioned the role of certain media of the time that "often not reported with due accuracy of the facts that were happening and somehow also contributed to these facts were not known in the way they should have been known " . The President said that " we need to know to draw lessons from what happened during this difficult and trying period that our country lived where there were divisions , disagreements , violence and clashes that meant so much pain and suffering for families and Chilean society ."
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 09:43:07 +0000

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