The President in his State of the Union address read a litany of - TopicsExpress


The President in his State of the Union address read a litany of freebies and giveaways. He simply forget that our national debt is six times our national revenue and that it has increased over $7 trillion dollars since he came into office-More debt than all the past presidents combined. He seemed to forget we already have $128 trillion in unfunded liabilities from the entitlements that we have today. Alexis de Toccqueville once said, The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the publics money. The sad thing is if we had simply accepted this presidents budgets our national debt would exceed $20 trillion today. The president resurrected the mythical gender gap. If there was a competent press corps, they would point out that the number is close to 95 cents to the dollar and the difference lies mostly in the choices women make. Maybe the President was talking about the gender gap in his own White House which is about $10,000. Middle class economics? Obviously this presidents strength is not in basic economics. His strength is in stretching the truth... like the way he claimed credit for our growing oil production, credit for cutting deficits, asked for a bipartisan infrastructure plan... uh, what happened to the almost trillion dollar shovel-ready stimulus? The president claimed, We lead best when we combined military power with strong diplomacy but he is doing neither. He said, No foreign nation, no hacker should be able to shut down our networks, steal our trade secrets or invade the privacy of American families, especially our kids... but all of that has already happened under his own watch. The president claimed that Russia was isolated by his policies but it was the exploding American production of oil on state and private land that has lowered the price of oil and crippled Russias energy income. Oil production on federal land is down by 6 percent and natural gas production on federal lands is down 28 percent since 2009. The president claimed, that for the first time in a decade, weve halted the progress of (Irans) nuclear program... What delusional parallel universe does this president live in? The president accused others of political incivility, of demonizing others, of dividing people, of arguing past each other, constant fundraising, always looking over your shoulder at how the base will react to every decision. It is everything this president does on a routine basis. In psychological terms, that is called projection. He said this was a nation of laws. He failed to mention that he routinely ignores the ones he doesnt like. He said, I have no more campaigns to run and then promptly left the next day to campaign. He boasted about winning two elections but failed to mention that he lost both houses of Congress with more electoral losses of democrats than any other president. He called us the United States of America and called us a tight-knit family but he continues to rule by dividing this great nation by gender, race, class and politics. Well, I could go on and on. This president is a dangerous combination of arrogance, ignorance and incompetence. The only real extraordinary accomplishment this president can honestly claim is perhaps, his ability to keep a straight face during his entire hour of half-truths, myths and lies during the State of the Union address. investors/editorial-cartoons/michael-ramirez/735598-the-state-of-our-union
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 06:25:29 +0000

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