The President is his own worst enemy. We’ve got a President few - TopicsExpress


The President is his own worst enemy. We’ve got a President few appear able to trust. Nobody in this, the fifth year of the Obama era, can assume Barack Obama means a word he says. Not after five years of maneuvers and speeches whose chief inspiration seems to be nothing more than accruing personal credit and shifting blame to anyone who has the audacity to resist his Messiah-like gifts. A Washington Post/ABC News poll shows six in 10 Americans oppose Obama’s projected attack on Syria without knowing exactly what this President hopes to accomplish mainly due to the fact Obama himself seems not to know what he has in mind. It isn’t just a case of Obama playing his cards close to the vest. He genuinely has no sense of what it would be advantageous to do…..other than make a speech. With Obama, language is a substitute for thought. Whoever first told young Barack he was eloquent did the child a disservice. Obama speaks no better than most other politicians but just happens to have a nice baritone. He’s far better at maligning the Republicans than he is at setting a course and sticking to it. Obama doesn’t welcome any input concerning his responsibility for any problem. Problems are always someone else’s fault, never his creation. In politics, as in life, you get by with some of this stuff for just so long. At some point people get sick of sweet syrup speeches. For Barack Obama, spinner of fantasy about himself and sour notes about those who are ignorant enough to disagree with him, it’s show time. He set the ‘red’ line, not the world and not Congress. He cannot lie his way out of this one. Having backed himself into a corner he is now forced to make a real decision - act to cover a check his mouth wrote or not act and look like the incompetent he is.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 12:08:21 +0000

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