The President of the European Commission announces 400 million - TopicsExpress


The President of the European Commission announces 400 million Euros additional funding for the Syrian humanitarian crisis The President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, announced 400 million Euros additional funding for the Syrian humanitarian crisis. President Barroso said that "the Syrian crisis is the most dramatic humanitarian situation in the last decade. The international community cannot stand by idly". He added that "the European Union is already the largest humanitarian donor for the crisis with more than 840 million Euros. But the worsening of the situation requires extraordinary measures. This is why the Commission will deploy a comprehensive package of assistance with humanitarian and non-humanitarian support mobilising an additional 400 million Euros for Syria and neighbouring countries in particular Lebanon and Jordan, including the host communities there, which are most severely affected. It is important that other donors can also rise up to the occasion. "However humanitarian support is only a palliative", President Barroso said, underlining that "what we need is a political solution to the conflict that guarantees a halt in the violence. We need unrestricted and unconditional humanitarian access. And we need a transitional inclusive government. The situation in Syria is a stain in the world conscience. We all have a duty to act".
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 11:37:20 +0000

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