The President released five more Gitmo detainees. This is a - TopicsExpress


The President released five more Gitmo detainees. This is a president who doesnt mind killing Americans or plain America in jeopardy, if it suits his political needs. Upon taking office, the president takes an oath, “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” His actions are in direct contradiction of that oath because these monsters want to annihilate the United States, exterminate the American people and obliterate the Constitution of the United States. This president is knowingly releasing terrorists back into battle at the same time he is sending more troops into harms way but the most disturbing part of this is the motive for doing it.... Politics. His refusal to provide a sufficient alternative to Gitmo has failed and the consequences have been his policy of relying on drones to kill terrorists regardless of the collateral damage or the integrity of his intelligence information that these kills are based upon. They dont have to deal with where to hold them or how to interrogate them or deal with the thorny issue of Mirandizing them. It is problematic. Without interrogations, you cant get good intelligence on the ground, therefore, you dont really know how reliable the information is or who you are really killing and without sufficient intelligence on ground or valuable intelligence gathering, you cannot prevent future acts of terrorism or dismantle the terror networks themselves. The recidivism rate of these released terrorists back into terrorism or directly into combat has been 30%. What this means is, this president is not only putting American soldiers, and embassy personnel in jeopardy but also individual citizens, who may face another 9/11 act of terrorism as a result of the presidents irresponsible actions. Of course weve always known this president has a callous disregard for anyone but himself. We saw it when he went golfing fifteen minutes after James Foleys beheading. We saw it when he went to Las Vegas to raise funds after the deaths of five American in Benghazi. We see it in his total disregard of the fact that these actions will directly lead to more deaths of innocent people. investors/editorial-cartoons/michael-ramirez/732822-catch-and-release
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 20:22:29 +0000

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