The Pressure to Do The pressure to do never stops even when - TopicsExpress


The Pressure to Do The pressure to do never stops even when your diary is empty, with every loose end tied up even when you’ve guided every project to completion and know you’ve earned the right to relax and gloat over your achievements, at least for a while – the pressure won’t let you rest. The pressure is never satisfied like an animal with an endless appetite that devours every activity, then hunts for more. It’s with you as soon as you wake up and keeps nagging and nudging at you throughout the day and sometimes keeps you awake at night whispering, “There’s still so much to do” reminding you of what you didn’t manage to do today and what you have to do tomorrow. The pressure to do convinces you that the present only exists to serve the future that moments are empty spaces which must be filled that time is an enemy, and your is life a constant battle and every achievement – even just every completed task – is a tiny victory. Where does the pressure come from? Maybe your parents and teachers – they started pushing you years ago, and kept the pressure up, until their voices were speaking inside you, as your own, and then you were ready to push yourself. Or maybe you’re simply trying to keep up with the others who are scrambling for success and you’re afraid of being left behind. Or maybe your busy-ness is a diversion to stop your attention relaxing and turning around to face the discord inside you. But most of all, the pressure is just momentum and habit - the momentum that’s built up through those years of constant pushing and the habit of immersing your attention outside you that’s been reinforced so much, and become so powerful that you whole life is narrowed down to this need and the pressure is smothering your soul. But you don’t have to let the pressure push you – maybe you’ve done enough already. Maybe there’s nothing more to do apart from what’s really necessary. Maybe further achievements will only dilute what you’ve already done. Stand firm, and resist the impulse Stand back, and let the momentum fade Relax, and let the pressure pass you by Then guide yourself gently back to a stand still like a train that slows and finally comes to rest. Then your life will be open and empty time will stretch out until there is no time to waste or save because there is no time And then the pressure to do will give way to the ease of being.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 20:07:06 +0000

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