The Princes of the Dragon A long time ago, in faraway - TopicsExpress


The Princes of the Dragon A long time ago, in faraway land, a poor young man went every day to the banks of the river to collect wood... One day, the waters parted and a beautiful maiden riding a red dragon appeared.. She combed her hair for a long time and then disappeared back into the lake... Hopelessly in love with her, the young man dove in and courageously swam to the bottom of the lake. To his surprise, he found the Palace of the Dragons of Fortune, Which was surrounded by dry land where one could breath. At its door, there were two dragons, a white one and a black one. The white dragon asked, "" what is the oldest things? The young man answered "" Time!. The black dragon asked, "what is the most precious thing? The young man answered,""happiness!" The two dragons smiled." You are young , but wise!" They took him to the maiden." I am the Princess of the dragons"... she said." I have been waiting for you for a long time.. now yoh will become my husband!.. The young man returned home to his old mother and took her back with him to the bottom of the lake. Dress my husband and his honorable mother in silk".. the young woman ordered the dragons. " place a golden ring on each of their ten fingers. Prepare a one-hundred-course banquet for their happiness . Have a thousand musicians play to soothe their spirit.. The festivities began immediately and are still going on to this day the prosperous, happy , and eternal Palace of the Dragons of fortune...
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 08:40:08 +0000

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