The Principle of Authority When it comes to leadership and - TopicsExpress


The Principle of Authority When it comes to leadership and authority most people violate the principle of success from the most successful leader in the world-Jesus. Jesus knows who he is, his purpose, gift, anointing and power but doesnt go forth in ministry until having first submitted to John the Baptist. In other words, Jesus came looking for the prophet, Gods ordained leader, John the Baptist. God broke 400 years of silence between Malachi and the coming forth of John. He was waiting for the fullness of time, the kairos moment to come. And it was in that time that God began to break His silence with John the Baptist who was sent from God. This man would become prophet, pastor to the people. This same leader was Jesus cousin and only about 6 months older than Jesus. God is going to use John as one sent from God as the only authorized person given the right to speak for God. Johns ministry as a leader was authentic. His father was a priest in the temple but Johns ministry was in the wilderness, dressed in camels hair, wearing a leather girdle. This was the man God chose to be a leader. God chose John to be the means by which Jesus would come into the fullness of the authority that the Father purposed Him (Jesus) to walk in. So Jesus who is the God-man went looking for a man in authority, to start His ministry. The authenticity of your ministry is found in your submission to God-ordained authority. John was the lesser, Jesus was the greater, but Jesus submitted to the authority God has invested in John, before going forth to fulfill His ministry. Jesus found John the Baptist and submitted Himself to the pastoral/prophetic leadership of John and became baptized of Him to be submerged in Gods purpose, to fulfill all righteousness. Today we have leaders who are expert in being illegal authority. They themselves are not submitted to authentic authority but are submitted to denominational and organizational leaders who dont have the revelation of the Kingdom or the witness of the Holy Spirit beyond some religious ideas about Church and purpose. It could very well be that the one the Lord wants you to submit to may appear to be lesser than you, but your submission to them will cause you to come into the fullness of your own purpose and divine destiny. Gods response to Jesus submission to Johns baptism was that the Father spoke from heaven and said This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased........ Now the authority that was on John was necessary or Jesus could not walk in the fullness of the authority that was on Him (Jesus). We often times are drawn to those who appear to have the anointing, and seem to be greater than us, but it could very well be that your next level of elevation will come from you submitting to someone who you may see as being lesser than you. Johns authority was necessary for Jesus authority to come forth. The weight of the world was on Johns shoulders that had he not baptized Jesus, had John not been the leader positioned where God had positioned him then Jesus could not come forth and get in position as God had ordained Him to. John the Baptist was the only person on earth to hold the priesthood ministry that would baptize Jesus the Son of God who would ultimately bring salvation to all mankind. It was this same baptism priesthood that John carried that Jesus bestowed upon all of the twelve Apostles. Do you really understand the principle of authority? Your submission to the right authority can hold your destiny. Your submission to the wrong authority can withhold you unnecessarily. Let me share this one last point on the authority that was given John by God. John under the authority of God in the priestly ministry the Father had given Him, preached the Kingdom of God. In other words, God breaks four hundred years of silence with this message.....Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven, (Gods royal rule, authority, dominion, right to rule and act of ruling) was at hand (had arrived). Here Jesus travels days across the barren desert to find this leader who is lesser than Himself, to submit to Johns authority, and Jesus comes forth preaching the very same message, Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand. Perhaps the fullness of your ministry wont come forth until you have the humility to submit to someone who actually may be lesser than you but necessary for you to walk in the fullness of all that God has ordained for you. Meeting the person God has ordained to lead you into the fullness of what God actually has for you should be a life changing reality. Jesus submitting to John changed the course of human history. We could say that Jesus submitted Himself to this baptism because it was of God and submitted Himself to John because John was the one God had sent to make straight the way of the Lord. So here Jesus who is God, came to earth as a man and followed the will of God the Father to live His calling to be exactly who God called him to be. In Matthews account in chapter 11:9-11 Jesus calls John the Baptist the greatest prophet who ever lived (but that this same John is less then any in the Kingdom of God). There are those of you who are living outside of your true calling because youve submitted yourself to illegitimate authority because you went after what appeared to be the glory when in effect your destiny was in one who is wearing camel hair. Ambassador, Dr. Leonard Robinson 267-357-9816
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 12:53:12 +0000

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