The Process of Brainwashing The abuser uses several methods of - TopicsExpress


The Process of Brainwashing The abuser uses several methods of coercion to brainwash his victim. They are as follows: Isolation Abusers deprive their victims of social interaction with family members and friends. This is necessary to gain control over the victim. Resistance The abuser manipulates his victim to become mentally and physically dependent upon him, which reduces the ability of the victim to resist his abuse. Threats Abusers use threats to cultivate anxiety, despair and the ability to resist. Most often they threaten children, family members or friends with harm if the victim doesn’t comply with his demands. Indulgences Occasionally the abuser will comply with the wishes of the victim in order to provide motivation to comply with his every demand. Omnipotence The abuser suggests to the victim that it is futile to resist his demands. Trivial Demands Abusers strictly enforce trivial demands in order to create a habit of compliance in his victim. Degradation Abusers degrade their victims in order to damage their self esteem and make them think they are unable to face life on their own. Self esteem can be damaged beyond repair and the victim is often reduced to animal level concerns.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 02:04:00 +0000

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