The Progressive Liberal Democrats had great success with Dream Act - TopicsExpress


The Progressive Liberal Democrats had great success with Dream Act Lite because it was met with no substantial resistance. Therefore, in all seriousness, why wouldnt they just do the same thing with Amnesty? Is John Boehner going to send them a strongly worded letter? Is Mitch McConnell going to tell them that they better not grant Amnesty to 20 Million Illegal Immigrants again or he will really get mad and there will be consequences for their actions? Is Eric Cantor going to publicly condemn their actions and express his disappointment in the Progressive Liberal Democrats? Are all the Conservatives, myself included, going to take to FB in thousands of small pockets called groups and vent our frustrations to 50 or 100 people while doing nothing? Just who is going to give resistance to the Progressive Liberal Democrats, much less stop them from implementing Amnesty Lite? Im not being self-righteous because I dont have the answer, either, and I dont see myself acting alone to do something. Regardless, after watching the nauseating and disgusting events in Mississippi with the Tea Party Candidate, Chris McDaniel, I firmly believe that the GOP and Progressive Liberal Democrats are extremely desperate and would work together to do ANYTHING whatsoever to get all illegal immigrants the power to vote before the 2014 elections. Obviously, neither group wants the Tea Party Candidates to win. If the GOP helped fill seats in the House and the Senate with Progressive Liberal Democrats, then they could at least stay in the game and keep their long term deception going of opposing each other. Obama and Team would then double-cross and decimate whats left of the pathetic GOP, but thats a topic for another time. So, I just keep coming back to why wouldnt the Progressive Liberal Democrats go for Amnesty Lite, why wouldnt the GOP help them, and who would oppose them doing so? .
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 20:35:52 +0000

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