The Promises of God 2 Corinthians 1:13-20 In our text, Paul - TopicsExpress


The Promises of God 2 Corinthians 1:13-20 In our text, Paul found it necessary to defend a change of travel plans that had prevented him from returning to Corinth as scheduled. His opponents leveled against him the accusation of fickleness or instability (lightness, v.17). These men saw his change of plans as a sign of unreliability which, they felt, affected even the message he preached. The apostle Paul fervently denied this, fully intending to explain the reason for his change in plans (1:23-2:2). But his primary concern, at the moment, was for them to realize that his message was not unreliable. We live in an age of broken promises. Some who make promises know perfectly well that they cannot keep them. Others make promises they intend to keep, but because of human frailty, forgetfulness, or a sudden change of circumstances, they are not able to fulfill their commitments. In either case, the results are the same: broken promises. Speaking of mankind in general, Solomon was correct when he said, A faithful (dependable, one who keeps his word) man who can find? (Prov.20:6). He further stated, Confidence in an unfaithful (one who deals deceitfully) man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth, and a foot out of joint (Prov.25:19). We may smile at the picturesque description, but our own experience confirms-untruthfulness hurts! For his source of stability, Paul focused on God (vv.18-20). What a relief it is to turn from the undependable world of men to our faithful God who always keeps His promises (Josh.23:14; 1 Kgs.8:56). God is faithful, thus, the message Paul preached was no less certain than God Himself, whose promises are yea and Amen (v.20).
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 23:45:49 +0000

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