The Prompt ========= For the next fifteen minutes, describe the - TopicsExpress


The Prompt ========= For the next fifteen minutes, describe the scene when a new reader starts the book you wrote and is instantly sucked in, eyes glued, unable to stop reading. The Result ========= Shut up! she hissed, and I flinched. Id been hovering around her chair pelting questions at her for about ten minutes. Whenever she would laugh, Id try to figure out what she was laughing at. Was it an intentional joke? Or was something too corny? When shed gasped, Id asked, Oh, are you at the part where she got the letter? I was being a nuisance, and I knew it. I sulked back to my chair across from her and scooped up my copy of Don Quixote. The smell of coffee still lingered in the air and I glanced at my cup. Empty. I put the book back down and walked into the kitchen for a refill. I could hear her giggle and flip pages. The sound of moving paper made me think of sharpening knives. I weighed the beans, placing them carefully on the scale and lost myself to the process of a single cup of coffee. The hand grinding, the boiling water, the weight of the kettle in my hand as I carefully poured over the filter. All of these things were like a moving meditation and as I got deeper into the process, I soon forgot that my story was being read at all. It was just me and the coffee. As the final droplets of coffee beaded at the bottom of the filter and fell into the mug, I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist. I straightened and looked over my shoulder as she moved to my side. Its good! she said. Yeah? Yep. Its not, like... too... Its good baby. Like it always is. So put it out there. I looked down at the coffee, my shimmer silhouette reflecting back at me, and nodded. Okay. ---- To see the post this prompt came from, head over here: thewritepractice/seeking-validation/
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 15:55:43 +0000

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