The Prophet as a Personal Representative of Jesus Christ! Beyond - TopicsExpress


The Prophet as a Personal Representative of Jesus Christ! Beyond this general purpose to edify, exhort and comfort the saints which the revelatory gifts bring to the Body, Christ set in His Church as part of the Five Fold, the office of Prophet. The New Testament Prophet therefore is called by Jesus Christ as personal representative to ensure that the Church is shown the way forward in its walk with Him. The office is called Prophet; what he or she utters is called Prophecy and the action is called Prophesying. In effect, the prophet is a conduit or mouth piece through whom Jesus speaks to His Church. He decides whom He ordains for this role. It could be male or female; young or old saint. Neither age nor gender nor even theological training nor capacity to teach have anything to do with the divine choice called election. You cannot be promoted into this office by humans. You cannot get there by ambition. You cannot procure it by primogeniture, inheriting it from your parents! It is interesting that the same Paul the Apostle who vigorously taught the Church to covet the spiritual gift of prophecy and explained powerfully that it is a valid need of the New Testament Church in Romans 12: 6; 1 Corinthians 14: 1 – 25, 29-32, 39 is the same instrument God used to ask the potent question in 1 Corinthians 12: 29, “Are all Prophets?”. The obvious answer is a resounding No! As a matter of fact, the proportion of saints called into this office is relatively low, perhaps lower than all other offices, except that of apostles! The reasons will be obvious as we continue this treatise. In Ephesians 4:11, we see that prophets are specifically mentioned as part of the five fold headship gifts of Christ set in the Church to make it complete. #TheFiveFoldLeadershipGifts #TheProphet
Posted on: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 17:16:54 +0000

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