The Prophet (peace be upon him) gave him (Uthman) his daughter - TopicsExpress


The Prophet (peace be upon him) gave him (Uthman) his daughter Ruqayyah in marriage and when she died, he married her sister Um Kulthum, therefore, he was nicknamed by Dhun-Nurayn (the possessor of two lights). Uthman (r.a) is the Only man who married 2 of prophets daughters ! What a status ! AL MUGHEERA AND IBN UMAR ADVISED UTHMAN On the authority of Nafi` that `Abdullaah Ibn `Umar رضي الله عنهما said: “`Uthmaan (Ibn `Affaan رضي الله عنه) consulted me when he was under siege (by the rebels who captured his house and kept him and his wives inside, stopping food and other supplies), he said: ‘What is your opinion about what al-Mugheerah bin al-Akhnas* رضي الله عنه has said?’ I (Abdullah Ibn Umar) asked: ‘What did he say?’ `Uthmaan said: ‘He (al-Mugheerah r.a) said: These people (i.e. the Khawaarij) want you give up this matter (i.e. the Khilaafah) and that you handover the matter to them.’ [In the narration of Ibn Sa`d it is that `Uthmaan said: ‘They want me to give up (the Khilaafah). And if I do, they will let me live and if I don’t they will kill me.’] I said: ‘Do you see that by handing it over to them, will you live forever in this world?’ He said: ‘No!’ I said: ‘If you do not do this, can they do anything more than to kill you?’ He said: ‘No!’ I said: ‘Do they own the Paradise and the Hellfire?’ He said: ‘No!’ I said: ‘I do not see any reason for you to introduce this matter (of giving up the ruler-ship in the religion, so that whenever they (the people) are discontent with the ruler that they remove him. So do not give up the dress (i.e. the Khilaafah) which Allaah عز وجل dressed you with.’” [Imaam Ahmad mentioned it in “Fadhaail al-Sahaabah” (No. 767, pg. 1/473) and Ibn Sa`d in Tabaqaat al-Kubraa (3/66)] Note: The prophet (s.a.w) himself commanded Uthman (r.a) with the same advise which Abdullah Ibn Umar (r.a) gave At-Tirmidhy reported in his Sunan from the Hadith of `Aishah that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: O `Uthman, perhaps Allah shall make you wear a garment however if they want you to take it off, do not give it to them [p. 579, No. 3705, Albanee graded it to be saheeh in Sahih Sunan at-Tirmidhi 3/210, no. 2923] * al-Mugheerah bin al-Akhnas رضي الله عنه was a companion. His mother Khaalidah was the aunt of `Uthmaan رضي الله عنه. He resembled `Uthmaan رضي الله عنه in appearance and died defending him when the Khawaarij surrounded `Uthmaan’s house and attacked it. In Usud al-Ghaabah it is mentioned that when the Khawaarij burned down the door to `Uthmaan’s house, al-Mugheerah said to `Uthmaan: “By Allaah! Lest the people say that we have betrayed you”, then he picked up his sword and went charging against the Khawaarij.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 14:15:09 +0000

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