The Pyramid of Tesla ~ The pyramids are electro-magnetic - TopicsExpress


The Pyramid of Tesla ~ The pyramids are electro-magnetic machines, huge capacitors working with vril energy. Nikola Tesla had already sensed this track a century ago. Nikola Tesla regarded the Earth as one of the plates of a capacitor, the ionosphere forming the other plate. Recent measurements have shown that the voltage gradient between the two is 400,000 volts. With this principle, he said he was able, through his invention, to provide free energy to anyone, inexhaustible in quantity, anywhere on earth. That is why he had built a first prototype, the Wardenclyffe Tower, in which was to apply his famous pyramid effect. What is it exactly? The lines of force of the electric charge additioned to the fields from the sun act on the walls of a pyramid. The Great Pyramid of Giza, behind the Sphinx The magnetic equipotentials show a high magnetic density in the summit. The voltage of the electric field increases of 100 V per meter. The terrestrial negative field reaches its maximum value at the summit of the pyramid; at the top of the pyramid of Giza, the voltage is 14,600 V. This pyramid is itself a capacitor, it accumulates an electrical charge. If an excess load is added, a discharge occurs at the top, and, as we know currently, that top was adorned with a solid gold capstone, an excellent conductor. (Source) Tesla wanted his tower to be high to increase the voltage at the top. He wanted to create an artificial lightning in the tower. In the discharge tube of a natural flash , the temperature rises to 30 000 ° C. Tesla did not want to manage such high temperatures because it is a waste of energy. Teslas Wardenclyffe tower would have used a transformer to produce a high voltage, which would have generated, instead of a natural lightning, a discharge of high energetic ion abundance (source) Wardenclyffe Tower under construction. Tesla willed it octagonal, surmounted by a hemisphereTo accentuate the pyramid effect, he had imagined to give the tower the octagonal shape of a pyramid topped by a half sphere. Why octogonal? Tesla does not explain, but when we read his memoirs, we understand that he sensed a scientific discipline that did not yet exist, geobiology, and the theory of waves of forms. From the perspective of traditional physics, the fact that the tower is octagonal is insignificant. It could be square or have an infinite number of faces, that is conic. In all cases the voltage would have been the same, its shape just gave it stability. (Source) This raises two objections. The octagonal shape is not a guarantee of stability comparing to the square shape. If he was really looking for stability, a hyperbolic rise, like that of the Eiffel Tower, would have been better suited. The octagonal shape has very special wave characteristics, it is possible that this pure genius sensed it without being able to theorize it. The Eiffel Tower is a magnificent lightning sensor: if it was not stupidly returned to the earth, the energy of lightning would be enough to illuminate it the whole year ...As for the square shape of the pyramids, the engineer Gustave Eiffel has chosen it for his tower, precisely because it is a guarantee of stability, as the four legs and the widening elevation. Built in 1889, our national tower was already fairly well known to be his model. As Wardenclyffe Tower, the Eiffel Tower has a pyramid effect which makes it pick at the top, even without a storm, a DC current. Its lightning rod makes thus some electricity that goes down in a cable to be delivered to the earth. Tokyo Tower has the same square basis and the same elevation as the Eiffel Tower. It is crowned by a strong lightning rod!This waste is not limited to the Eiffel Tower. All roofs and metal frames make the same production, stupidly given to the earth. The Vril energy is free, it is its biggest flaw in a world of profit. The fact that it is completely environmentally friendly and inexhaustible has no interest for the capital. The fact that it is beneficial for both the human mind and the health of people, animals and plants thanks to the virtues of water of lightning, has even much less interest for profiteers. Unfortunately, Tesla was never able to finish his tower. He did not have the opportunity to carry out the planned experiments on Long Island that sought to bring rain in the deserts. Others before him had managed that. We know that Egypt has not always been desertic. The Greek historian Herodotus wrote that Egypt is a gift of the Nile. But it was in the 5th century BC. Since then, its climate has not changed much, and yet it has not always been so. The predynastic Egypt was rather a gift of the pyramids... In the pre-dynastic period, the Egyptian climate is much less arid than it is nowadays. Large areas of Egypt are covered with savanna and traversed by herds of ungulates. The foliage and wildlife then are much more prolific and the Nile region is home to large populations of waterfowl. Hunting is a common activity for the Egyptians and it is also during this period that many animals are domesticated for the first time. (source) Seeing these merry bands of ungulates, this waterfowl and those hunters never empty-handed, we figure out a very different climate. According to climatologists, the deep grooves that streak the body of the Sphinx are due to rainfall erosion. The Sphinx of Giza would therefore be more than 10,000 years old. And if you go back even further, at a time when, according to Egyptologists, this region of the world was uninhabited, you will discover a startling rainfall. For a millennium, at least, a downpour fell on the Nile Valley. Witness of these continual showers, the Sphinx and its sides deeply marked by rain erosion. According to climatologists, the Sphinx must have more than ten thousand years old, and come from a period of higher rainfall. One can imagine that the great pyramids of Giza date from this period. Poor science without consience!Numerous are the authors who have, trusting the climatologists more than the Egyptologists, still bogged down in a phony chronology, of recent manufacture, and in their turf wars. Of course, the latter refused the thesis of climatologists, however well supported. Never would an archaeologist let the geographers trample his flowerbeds. Continuing to dream like Tesla, one can see how these enormous masses, topped by a conductive gold capstone and coated with gold plates, were used as lightning-catchers by triggering continual storms... Continues with videos @
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 09:57:30 +0000

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