The Queen Is Dead! 1986 >>>Thank you. I am allright. 2000 - TopicsExpress


The Queen Is Dead! 1986 >>>Thank you. I am allright. 2000 >>>Thanks. Im allright 2014 >>>Tnx! Im ait 2030 >>> tx m I Must we shorten every word we write? Recently, one young lady sent me an inbox message and began with; Sp? I replied, Supper? She laughed out loud (lol) and went ahead to correct me and tell me, its the short form of Xup. :-/ I checked her birth date on her profile..1996. Thats when I felt sorry for our young generation. Shocking, right? Not to many of you I know... We are all becoming culprits :( Many are beginning to use it in schools, official correspondences and even in spoken english. And some cant just keep to one language when communicating. I was listening to a doctor speaking on immunization and vaccination on the radio. To my utter amazement and shock, she said, Parents, please take your children for polio and tetanus vaccination. If not, when these disease come, Musova! Whether it was a slip of the tongue, but it exposed the deficiencies in our todays communication. I read somewhere where a young lady began an application letter with the words, Gud day sir. In an exam, a student wrote, ....laws 4 the the prohibitn of crimes & all criminal acts. Where do we draw the line on abbreviations? Whats the difference between h8 and hate? Fanks and thanks, tnx? Myt and might? And the most annoying of all, kkk and ok.. Its a trend that can only end in disaster, not just for the present day student and future employee, but the very fate of the english language seems to lie in the hands of this generation. Makes one sad to think of it, yes? Soon, people shall be called by their initials and not their full names. Mr Adam Daniel Dumbo shall be Mr ADA. Miss Eliza Gloria Odala shall be Míss EGO. Myself? I shall be JFK (Justin Frank Kamwendo) And just when I thought it couldnt get any worse, then comes this guy from the Kasinje Kingdom, Wonderford Bengo with his Kasinjenglish, artistically breaking all the rules of the Queens language, threatening to take over and infect many, if his large following and popularity is anything to go by. Nyway, I hp iv md my pnt. Shrt 4ms arnt a gud wy 2 wryt. Gorrit? © JustinK, Live Life™ 2014
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 10:01:59 +0000

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