The Queensland Fascist (Liberal) / Nazi (National) parties are - TopicsExpress


The Queensland Fascist (Liberal) / Nazi (National) parties are consolidating power into a bi party dictatorship (Liberal?National / Labour) Where minor parties will not get public funding if they win more than 4% of the vote. This effectively takes away democracy, and removes peoples choice for the party carrying the policies they want. This is the thin end of the wedge. If we allow this to happen, then I am afraid, further attacks on democracy will occur at an increasing pace, leading us down the path to a Corporate state, run by foreign and local trans national corporations whose only function is to generate profit, at the expense of the tax paying pugblic. Queensland looks like being the test state for Tony Abbotts and the IPAs policies. The points of most concern are: *Removal of caps on political donations and expenditure. *Increased threshold for public funding from 4% to 10%. The removal of donation, and expenditure caps, ensure that the main parties will dominate the media to the exclusion of all other candidates running for government. This is a problem, because it restricts the freedom of minor parties and independent candidates to get their message accross to the public, and will most definitely lose them votes. This decreases the choice available to voters, thus watering down democracy to two basic choices, Labour or Coalition. That is a false choice, and we the people should not stand for this.
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 12:08:51 +0000

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