The Question has been brought up .. Would we, as Conservatives, - TopicsExpress


The Question has been brought up .. Would we, as Conservatives, vote for Ted Cruze to be president, given the issue of Constitutional elligibility ..(The Canada thing) .. Well... heres my take .. We are in a WAR with those who have thrown the Constitution to the side and threaten our Liberty and Freedom through their definition of Tyranny .. basically the (D)s have decided that they will not abide by the rule of law .. and have violated our Geneva Convention ... Therefore, I urge that it is necessary to USE ANY MEANS necessary to WIN THIS WAR. We have lived many years outside the original intent of this document ... we have wondered far from words and inspiration of our founding document ... as far as un-American lawyers and judges can take it without simply declaring it VOID and NULL .... It is past time we returned to the LAWFUL society as written and instructed .. but we MUST win this current war on our morals and heritage if we are to have even a chance to make this happen .. If it takes an American citizen born in Canada to defeat Hillary Clinton in 2016 ... it will be but an effort to place a tournaquet on a mortal wound and stem the blood flow fromour dying republic. Let us recover our Freedom .. Let us re-take our Liberty, and then let us address the details and interpretations in our VICTORY OVER EVIL.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 10:45:44 +0000

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