The Question then is: Who was Mohammed? What did his mission mean - TopicsExpress


The Question then is: Who was Mohammed? What did his mission mean for mankind? Was he a prophet or a villain? Mohammed was an instrument ( we shall not judge whether consciously or not ) of Satan. His purpose was to bring into actuality another aspect of the reign of satan in the history of humanity; an anti-church in opposition to the Church of Christ. Jesus applied the frightful expression sons of the devil to those obstinate Jews who were obstructing the reign of God. In Christian tradition, Satan is called the Simia Dei, the ape of God, because he attempts to bring about his own reign on earth in opposition to the reign of God. He tries to set up his own anti-church against the true and only Church , his false religions against the one and true religion. The works of all the heresiarchs are humano-diabolic, but no heresy and no anti-church has the mark of Satan so prominently as Islam. Mohammed is one of satans prophets and Islam is a form of satans pseudo religion, the most anti-Christian because it is the most contrary to the gospels. Islam is the actualisation of the kingdom of Satan and functions as an anti-church. The Church of Christ is always faithful to her own image.The church of satan does not have a positive and consistent unity of teaching but only a negative unity that is always dissolving into thin air. The kingdom of Satan is actually everything which the Church of Christ denies and combats, and it varies with time and place. The point of division between Church and anti-church is always dependence upon God or independence from him- through FAITH in the only mediator, JESUS CHRIST, the God - Man. He who is not with Christ is against Christ ( Mt 12:30). Islam functions as an adversary of Gods kingdom; therefore it must be satans work. It is enough to glance at its doctrinal content to see how much it is the antithesis of Christian doctrine. No man, not even the most learned rationalist, could have elaborated a doctrine and a spirit so essentially anti-evangelical as that of Mohammed. THIS TOO CAN HAVE NO ADEQUATE EXPLANATION UNLESS WE ADMIT THAT SATAN IS THE AUTHOR OF ISLAM. Allah, the god of the quran is anti God, the enemy of the one true God, the God of the gospels. The Trinity of the Christians has no point of contact with the quranic Allah for he is excluded absolutely and explicitly from the Trinity, from the divine natural paternity ( the generation of the Word, Christ, the Son of God) and from adoptive fatherhood. The fatherhood of God has no place in Islam. The concept of the God of love is denied. The god of the quran bears all the personal characteristics of Satan. He is Satan , clothed with pseudo divine light, who has managed to attract a cult of divine adoration from a part of the human race. The awesome conclusion to all this is that millions of Muslims , without knowing it, adore Satan himself in their false god. Islams fruits are the satanic convulsions of fanaticism, alternating with a lethargic torpor- a passing prosperity followed by a long decadence. Islam is motionless and lifeless;it flees from any kind of development or progress. That is why between the teaching and work of Christ and the teaching and work of Mohammed, there is the difference between life and death. Christ is life and satan is the adversary of all life, the author of death ( Jn8:44). There is the difference between love-for God is LOVE- and giving, and satan, who was the first one to envy and the first egotist, is DEATH. If we leave aside the question of personal responsibility, which God alone can judge, Mohammed was an instrument of Satan. In Islam Satan organized an anti-church in which all the opposites of the gospel message are gathered together with an energy which transcends all human natural activity. Islam is therefore, one of the gravest, most baneful and dangerous actualisations of satan, an attacker and destroyer of the reign of Christ. Perhaps the greatest proof that Islam is not a religion of peace is the interpretation of Quran 4:89 that says if anyone wants to leave Islam (turns renegade) he is to be put to death. This makes it the religion of fear, not peace. There will be war in the world as long as people believe in Muhammad, his example and his teaching. The Islamic concept of peace, meaning making the whole world Muslim, is actually a mandate for war. Fighting for the Cause of Allah (Jihaad) Bukhari :: Book 4 :: Volume 52 :: Hadith 66 Narrated Abu Abs: ( who is Abdur-Rahman bin Jabir) Allahs Apostle said, Anyone whose both feet get covered with dust in Allahs Cause will not be touched by the (Hell) fire == [2.191] And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers. [2.192] But if they desist, then surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. [2.193] And fight with them until there is no persecution, and religion should be only for Allah, but if they desist, then there should be no hostility except against the oppressors. The diabolical doctrine of the holy war teaches that no mercy is to be shown the unbeliever ( Sura 8:58-60; Sura 47:4,22,37,etc) Do not show yourselves weak with your enemies, nor invite them to peace, while you have the advantage of them is a direct contradiction to the meakness and sincerity of the gospel. Islam knows no pardoning of enemies nor good peoples power of intercession in favour of sinners. The Allah of the Quran has no mercy for the non-Muslim. Their religion is one of hate, not love.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 21:50:43 +0000

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