The Quran is a transcript of the exact words revealed by Allah - TopicsExpress


The Quran is a transcript of the exact words revealed by Allah taala to Prophet Muhammad ( alayhi salat wa salam ) , through the Angel Gabriel. The words were memorized by Muhammad ( salla Allahou alayhi wa sallam ) then dictated to his companions and later written by scribes, who examined them carefully as the Prophet (sal Alahou alayhi wa salam ) was still alive. No word des its 114 chapters ( Suras ) has been changed since then and , thus , the Quran remains in every detail the unique and miraculous text revealed to Muhammad (sal Allahou alayhi wa salam ) fourteen centuries ago . The Quran , the last revealed word of Allah, is the main source of faith and practice of every Muslim . It covers all the subjects which concern us as human beings , wisdom , doctrine, worship and law, but its basic theme is the relationship between Allah and His creatures . At the same time, the Quran provides guidelines for a just society, proper human conduct and an equitable economic system. You can still see the Quran in its complete and original form and language as it was revealed, the pristine language Arabic. Yes there are other sacred sources , the Sunnah , the practice and example of the Prophet ( salla Allahou alayhi wa salam ) is the second source for Muslims. A Hadith is an authorized what the Prophet ( Salla Allahou alayhi wa salam ) said narrative, made or approved . Belief in the Sunnah is part of the Islamic faith . It is a book that made you down to bring out the men from darkness to light with the permission of their Lord , to the path of the Mighty, the Praiseworthy (Quran 14: 1) I have come , from God, a light and a clear Book , whereby God guides those who seek His pleasure in the ways of salvation, by His permission , and shows of darkness into light and guides the straight path (Quran 5 : 15-16 ) If you have any doubt about what We have revealed to Our servant , then produce a Sura like you . Call upon your witnesses besides God if you are truthful . If you do not - and you will not do - Avoid fire, whose fuel is people and stones , which was prepared for the unbelievers . » We reveal the Quran and we take care to preserve it . ( Quran 15: 9) Keep in mind that the Holy Quran was revealed in Arabic to the Prophet Muhammad ( alayhi salat wa salam ) so any translation thereof, either in Castilian or in any other language , is not the Quran , nor a version of same , it is only a translation of the meanings of the Quran . The Quran as such exists only in Arabic as it was revealed .
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 19:22:07 +0000

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