The Quran states that men and women were created to be equal parts - TopicsExpress


The Quran states that men and women were created to be equal parts of a pair. The Messenger of ALLAHm Muhammad sallALLAHu alayhi wa sallam said that the rights of women are sacred and that they are the “twin halves of men”. Considering women in Britain received the right to vote, inherit and own property thirteen centuries later, Muhammad’s campaigns were both beautiful and revolutionary. Muslim women gained full ownership over their money, while husbands had the responsibility to provide for them even if their wives were wealthier than them. Women had the right to divorce instantly on returning the dowry, something other religions dont allow. One duty enjoined upon them was that of education. Early Islamic history saw the establishment of Muslim women as scholars, politicians, businesswomen, jurists and doctors. Fatima al Firhi founded the first university in 859 in Fez, Morocco; Razia al Din ruled the Delhi Sultanate in India in 1236; Umm Darda, a scholar from Syria, taught imams, jurists and even had the 5th Umayyad caliph who ruled from Spain to India as her student. In fact some eight thousand accounts of Muslim female scholars have been documented, many of whom in addition to theology and jurisprudence, were skilled in calligraphy and philosophy, women who not only contributed to their society but actively shaped it. The fruits of Muhammad’s sallALLAHu alayhi wa sallam reforms are as visible now as they have been throughout history. Today, Muslim women in Britain and worldwide are achieving positions of status and respect as police officers, lawyers, entrepreneurs, medics, social activists, MPs and peers in the House of Lords. Remaining true to the ideals cemented 1,430 years ago, Muslim women were and still are role models for future generations. WOMEN IS MORE PROTECTED IN ISLAM THAN IN CHRISTIANITY I often think that woman is more free in Islam than in Christianity *. Woman is more protected by Islam than by the faith which preaches monogamy. In AI Quran the law about woman is juster and more liberal. The Life and Teachings of Muhammad Madras 1932 pages 25 -26 quote of, Annie Besant *2. Christian Bible New Testament: “As in all churches of the saints, the woman should keepsilence in churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be subordinate, as even the law says. If there is anything they desire to know, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church.” (1 Corinthians 14:34) WONDERFUL VITALITY George Bernard Shaw Says: I have always held the religion of Muhammed in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capacity to the changing phase of existence which can make itself appeal to every age. I have studied him - the wonderful man and in my opinion far from being an anti-Christ, he must be called the Saviour of Humanity. I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it the much needed peace and happiness: I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today. From: A Collection of Writings of Some of the Eminent Scholars - Page 77 published 1935 Also From: Genuine Islam, Vol. I, No. 8 (1936) ~~~~~~~~ The following are some testimonies of impartial Westerners in regards to ISLAM: islamstory/en/node/27433 Glyn Leonard said: Apart from all those weighty considerations, the attitude of Europe towards Islam should be one of eternal gratitude instead of base ingratitude and forgetfulness. Never to this day has Europe acknowledged in an honest and wholehearted manner the great and everlasting debt it owes to Islamic culture and civilization. Only on a lukewarm and perfunctory way has it recognized that when, during the Dark Ages, its people were sunk in Feudalism and ignorance. Muslim civilization under the Arabs reached a high standard of social and scientific splendor that kept alive the flickering embers of European society from utter decadence. Do not we, who now consider ourselves on the topmost pinnacle ever reached by civilization recognize that had it not been for high culture, civilization and intellectual as well as the social splendor of the Arabs, and to soundness of the school system, Europe would to this day have remained sunk in the darkness of ignorance? [1] English historian Wells said: Any religion that does not cope with civilization in all its stages should be brushed off. The true religion which I found coping with civilization all the time was Islam… Any person who needs evidence should read the Quran and its insights, scientific methods and social laws. It is a book of religion, science, sociology, morality, and history. If one asks me to set the meaning of Islam I would say this phrase: (Islam is civilization). [2] Briffault said: Bacon was only one of the messengers who carried Islamic science and method to Christian Europe. He never stopped announcing that the Arabic language and the sciences of Arabs were the only way to know the truth[3]... Islamic civilization emerged naturally from the Quran and was characterized from among other human civilizations by justice, morality, and monotheism. It was also characterized by tolerance, humanity, and universal brotherhood. [4] Gustav Lebon said: The civilization of Arabs and Muslims made the barbaric European nations enter the world of humanity, as Arabs were our teachers... The universities in the West did not know scientific references but the works of Arabs. Arabs modernized Europe materially, mentally, and morally. History mentions no nation that produced what they produced… Europe owes the Arabs its civilization... It was the Arabs who first taught the world how the freedom of thought is consistent with the integrity of religion… It was they who taught people Christianity, or you can say: They tried to teach tolerance, which is the most precious quality of humans… The morals of Muslims in the early period of Islam were much higher than those of all nations in the world. [5] Andrew Dickson White[6] said: Since Caliph Umar and afterwards, the Muslim treatment of the insane has been far more merciful than the system that prevailed in the Christian world throughout eighteen centuries, during which the insane were considered possessed of devils, thus being subject to the severest torture and atrocity. He also said: Certain monks, who had much to do with redeeming Christian slaves, found in the 15th century what John Howard found in the 18th century, that the Arabs and Turks made a large and merciful provision for lunatics, something which was not seen in the Christian lands of Europe. It is true that Muslims highlighted the necessity of exerting efforts – that started in Europe as of the 18th century – to treat the insane mercifully. [7] In his book Discovery of India, Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru[8] said: The entry of invaders who came from northwest of India and the entry of Islam are of great importance to the history of India. It exposed the corruption that had spread in the Hindu community. It also showed the division of classes and the love of isolation from the world, which India experienced. The theory of Islamic brotherhood and equality, in which Muslims believed and experienced, had great influence on the mentality of Hindus, especially the poor people who the Indian society deprived of equality and human rights. [9] Professor Hawking said: The passion for knowledge and the permanent thirst for reaching its resources are qualities of those Arabs. These qualities provide them with creative power. They love freedom and always look forward to ideals without intolerance or fanaticism... When the blight that afflicted the Arabs and anesthetized them vanishes, we will see that the elements of the dormant scientific heritage and the intellectual courage will be unleashed to return quickly to occupy their position on the ground, as evidenced by the first Arab renaissance and the scientific heritage and the eternal impact they left behind for the coming generations. [10] Ref* [1] Muhammad Ali Kurd: Al-Islam wa Al-Hadarah Al-Arabiyah (Islam and Arab civilization), p82. [2] Abd-al-Munim Al-Nimr: Al-Islam wa Al-Mabadi Al-Mustawradah (Isalm and the imported principles), p84. [3] Robert Briffault: Making of Humanity, quoting Anwar Al-Jindi: Muqaddimat Al-Ulum wa Al-Manahij (Introductions of sciences and methods) 4/7710. [4] See: Abd-al-Muti Al-Dalati: Rabihtu Muhammadan wa lam Akhsar Al-Masih (I won Muhammad, but did not lose the Christ), p128. [5] Gustave Le Bon: the Arab civilization, p26, 276, 430, 566. [6] Andrew Dickson White: (1832-1918), American diplomat and writer, and one of the best founders of Cornell University. [7] See: A. D. White: A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom Vol. 11/123. [8] Jawaharlal Nehru: (1889-1964), one of the leaders of the independence movement in India and the first prime minister of India after independence. [9] Quoting Abu-al-Hasan Al-Nadwi: Maza Khasira Al-Alam bi Inhitat Al-Muslimin (what did the world lose by the decadence of Muslims), p107. ([10]) The principles of international politics, p25; quoting Muhammad Al-Sadiq Afifi: Tatwur Al-Fikr Al-Ilmi inda Al-Muslimin (the development of scientific thought of Muslims), p19.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 22:29:36 +0000

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