The REAL Threat is this decade plus long message that is - TopicsExpress


The REAL Threat is this decade plus long message that is Anti-American: Uphold sanctions Law by seeking to break a trade directly benefittingIraq & Libya and have this surveillance by greedy executives wantting the fees in profits from this violative account instead. An dSO I was called many names and regularly am told that I am a threat to be testsed even after 11 years of my normative behavior of picking up a passed drunk off th estreet and staying with this relative stranger in theER until she sobered up and hopefully sought to go TO AA or rehab. I save thhe life of Jimmy smallomb and am abused by him...the evidence that I implored my MD on his VM to helpp me escape this violence was erased by an outside party before my DR heard this message. Years later i seek helpp from CasaMyrna in Jamaica Plain an dthey are cruel and assertt that men are abused too, and assert that I am a name dropper for citing that there is aconflict of intersts on their bord of directors w defendnant BofA and senartor Chang diaz whose JamaicaPlain that I only saw had LOTTS of opiates, cocaine, alcholism and tim theftt....And it doesnt matter tto the opponent that the FBI actually assaulted me at work, nor that I helpped my neighbors and strangers and everyone I could. SO the message is that my bio brothers took money for prerjury and assertt this faith based healing of their pedophile father-in-law Fusco, and side in courts with my abuser and cite their tenets of faith. And this faith has them jeering as their only sister was targetted for multiple wallet thefts, ativan thefts, WInter coat theft, no food, assaults in the bathrom and then having that Joe Messina offer that a druggie assailant UP her high by taking two more....just like his cohort Staratton killed Carolyn smallomb with excess heroin in reward for perjury. I put that it is not an unfair advantage to leave me a wallet as a concilliatory gesture, replete with i adequate cash and gift cards to profile out how a DV victim starts again, seeing that Casamyrna sided with an abuser Smallomb publicly and refused me full assistance they are funded to do...seeing that the faulkner wouldnt allow me the privacy or opposrtunity to express that I was abused by my partner Smmalomb paranoid and doting for my two broken ribs he helpped cause, and that even a stalker told me that I was homeless because my boyfriend beat me up and I deserbed it. See this latter guy is part of Jack & Beth harts tort and his anatgonism and cruelty?* And hes in the library preventting that i work. AGAIN. Profile how a courageous woman can and should get support to protect her life. Give me a magic wallet for all those targetted and stolen from me, with cash to begin again.s Why should the State pay more for the eeffects of Smallombs violence, corporate sponseored by my former employers in finance?
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 19:36:59 +0000

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