The Ralph Diaries~ JUNE 22 1967- San Antonio- Thursday- - TopicsExpress


The Ralph Diaries~ JUNE 22 1967- San Antonio- Thursday- Walked to malt shoppe. Bought a hamburger and large Sprite. Talked to Fischer on the phone. 1968- San Antonio- Saturday- Staying at Martin Aguilars house. Had really good Mexican food for dinner. Martin, Andy and I made prank calls tonight. Listened to records on their hi-fi, Steppenwolf and Vanilla Fudge. 1969- Chicago- Sunday- Father DeVrees said noon mass at our church. I received Communion, first time in a long time. Later, we took Fr. DeVrees to OHare Airport. 1973- Lubbock- Friday- Drove cab from 8:30AM-6:30 PM. Went to Spellbounds practice at Ed Webbs house. Ate dinner at parents house. Got letters from Joe Fry and Dianne Luniak. 1974- Lubbock- Saturday- Drove cab all day. Coaches All-America Game is here today, so it was very busy. Went with Spellbound to their gig in Floydada. 1975- Lubbock- Sunday- Went to church with family. Drove cab tonight. 1978- Lubbock- Thursday- Delivered papers. Went to Coliseum to see Heart in concert. Very good show, but super-hot inside . Tickets were $7.00. 1985- Lubbock- Saturday- Worked at all day. Cattle Barons Ball tonight. 1986- Dallas- Sunday- Gregg Steward and I went to Arlington Stadium, 6:00PM, to see the Texas Rangers play Oakland As. After the game was a great concert, The Monkees, Hermans Hermits, Gary Puckett and Grass Roots. Tickets were $9.50. We had a blast, drove around afterwards in Greggs convertible singing Monkees songs (loudly). (note: from Cheryl Pate, 2007...ahhh - I wouldve liked to have seen Gary Puckett - I loved him - Young girl - get outta my mind..........) 1991- Lubbock- Saturday- Polly and I went to some garage sales. Mike and I set up the stereo for Mels wedding reception tonight, at Willow Hill Apartments party house. Polly and I went to Mels wedding, outside, in the park. He married Julie Kelly. Lots of people, lots of fun. Talked to Mels brothers a while, hadnt seen them in a long time. 1993- Lubbock- Tuesday- Worked at Univ. store most of the day. Watched boxing on TV, Moorer vs. Pritchard and Jackson vs. Wade. 1998- Ransom Canyon- Monday- Took Joey to school. Mike Vinson and I had lunch at Delhi Palace (Indian restaurant). Called Tim in Houston. His Suburban caught fire two days ago, totalling it. 2001- Lubbock- Friday- Wanted to go to Las Vegas this weekend. Brian Wilson/Paul Simon show there tonight. Oscar De La Hoya fight tomorrow night. Couldnt work out a trip, though. 2002- Lubbock- Saturday- Slept well, first night back from Las Vegas. Just missed Fischer, going to Vegas today. Polly sick with a sinus infection. Went swimming. Went by the store about 7:00 PM. 2007- Lubbock- Friday-Worked all day at 82nd st. store. Worked late getting things ready for ZZ Top tickets to go on sale in the morning. David Thompson, Matt & Kathy Britton dropped by. 2009- Lubbock- Monday- Rodney came by, worked on our kitchen. Electrician called, may be $1000 to fix the electrical problem at my rear rent house. Worked with Doug, Aaron, Fluitt and Markham. Picked up Joey at Premier Sports Complex, where he is a jr. counselor this summer. Had dinner with Mike V. at the new Caprock Cafe, saw David Schuchard, David Jeter there. Found Diane Milliken on Facebook. 2010- Lubbock- Tuesday- Ellis Trenching came out, dug up our alley, repaired our pool drain line. Mary Nell came down, from Amarillo, for a visit with Polly. Talked to Mike V., Rollo, Roy Middleton on phone. Fischer emailed, said Jim Lauders daughter was shot in the leg, over the weekend, while at a convenience store. Must find out about this. 2011- Lubbock- Wednesday- Met Eric Sims at Moose Magoos for lunch. We were the ONLY ones there, not a good sign. Took Polly to Cancun for dinner. Alison hanging out with Amy, this week, in town from Virginia. Got an email from James Dennis, saying that DeRai Collins passed away this morning. I just saw her a couple of weeks ago, at Furrs cafeteria, with her mom and aunt. I dated DeRai in the mid-80s. She was in a car wreck the next year, paralyzing her from the chest down. Last year she developed ovarian cancer. Poor thing couldnt catch a break. 2012- Ruidoso, N.M.- Friday- Bill & Susan Alston picked us up this morning and we headed to Ruidoso, N.M. Ate lunch in Roswell, the Alien capital. Stopped at Lincoln, where Billy The Kid hung out. Went through the old courthouse, stores, etc., pretty cool. Arrived in Ruidoso this evening. Didnt see any fire damage, but does smell like smoke. Staying at La Quinta, pretty nice. Ate at Casa Blanca Mexican Restaurant, bought a pitcher of margaritas. Weve been there before, its always good. After, we went to Inn of The Mountain Gods, a very nice resort. Gambled at the casino there. Bill and Susan always do well, we did not. Lost about $150 playing blackjack. Nice casino, mostly same as Vegas rules. Biggest drawback is not being able to drink in the casinos. Seems pretty weird, but it was still fun. 2013- Ransom Canyon- Saturday- Met Rollo Gurss at the warehouse, 10:30. Went over my damages out there, discussed remodeling. He had some good ideas. Ate lunch at Lite Bite. Worked at store from 2-7 PM. Came home, ate Pollys pasta. We Watched Horrible Bosses, then I fell asleep on the couch. Woke up about 12, got on the computer. Had trouble getting back to sleep. 2014- Ransom Canyon- Sunday- Polly and I took a nice boat ride this morning, nobody else on the lake. Called brother, Jim, in California. Our nephew, Sam, was on his way over to his place, for dinner. Sams been on his own for several years now. The kids came out for dinner this afternoon. Alison got to see her new car for the first time. We bought her a 2007 Chrysler 300 from Tim & Lisa. A beautiful car, she loved it! She took me for a ride through Ransom. When we got to the street leading to the chapel, I realized that about 17-18 years ago, this was the same street she and I walked every Sunday, me holding her hand. Now she was driving me down the same street. Sigh. Polly made us a nice dinner, the kids took off later, for their place.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 14:58:15 +0000

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