The Rama empire is one of the the largest empire present in indian - TopicsExpress


The Rama empire is one of the the largest empire present in indian subcontinent around 7500BCE. Ramayana describes about 4 teams of Vanaras going in 4 different directions to find Prince Rama’s kidnapped wife Seeta. Vanara king Sugreeva describes to team that travelled towards east, that first they will have to cross sea and would landup in Yava (Java) island. Then would would cross another island and reach a sea with red/ yellow water (coral sea of australia). Then they would see the pyramid made by vishvakarma on a giant island named shalmali (australia) (must be today’s Gympie Pyramid near west coast of Australia). Through Sugreeva, writer Valmiki further describes that after crossing this huge island (Shalmali Dwipa/Austalia), they would see Mount Rishabha (ऋषभ) which looks like a ‘White cloud with a pearly necklace of waves rippling on the shores below‘. Near to that, they would spot the Sudharshana Lake with ‘silvery lotuses which have fibrils of gold and where ‘kingly swans scamper around‘. The ancient script could be referring to Mount Cook & Lake Pukaki of New Zealand, which match these descriptions. Sanskrit meaning of ‘Sudarshan‘ (सुदर्शन) is ‘beautiful to look at‘. Writer Valmiki says that after crossing the island with these lakes, swans and beautiful mountains, one will have to cross a huge soft-water ocean called kshirsagar (Pacific) which will be frightening to all beings. after crossing the ocean he instructs people going to direction of Patal desha (South america) to check out for a TRIDENT engraved on a mountain and He describes the Trident as A long Golden flagstick with three limbs stuck on top. It always glitters in when seen from sky. (Valmiki Ramayan (Kishkindha-39/ 47-48) This trident is on west coast of peru - Lima and is visible clearly from the sky. Sugreev further continues, “That the big sign is constructed as the easterly compass by celestial gods in the past, beyond which lies the Udaya Adri.” The description given is so clear that Sugriv or must have seen this trident from sky proving they have aeroplanes to travel. this trident could have served as a guiding beacon for ancient UFOs or ‘Vimanas’. the same Ramyana mentions that demon king Ravan had a huge triangular shaped vimana (constructed by demon chief architect Maya) which flies in the sky by making a thunderous sound. The Paracas Trident of Peru, is a geo-glyph in the Andes Mountains and is regarded in the native folklore as the ‘Lightening Rod‘ of God Viracocha, a pre- Incan Civilization God of Peru/ Bolivia. Interestingly, Viracocha was worshipped as god of the Sun and Storms and he carried thunderbolts in his hands. Virochana (Sanskrit: विरोचन), in Hindu text, was an asura, son of Prahlada (Sanskrit: प्रहलाद), grandchild of HiranyaKashypu and father of Bali. Prahlada is son of Hiranyakasipu (who was killed by Vishnu). (This explains partially, why Nazca lines are treated as King Bali’s ancient Airport. According to the Chandogya Upanishad , Virochana and Indra (who is said to be carrying Vajrayudha, a thunderbolt weapon) went to Prajapati (Brahma, the creator) to learn about the atman (self) and lived there, practising brahmacharya (self control) for thirty-two years. But at the end, he misunderstood Brahma’s teachings and preached the asuras (demons) to worship the sharira (body) as the atman. Thus, asuras started adorning the body of a deceased with perfumes, garlands and ornaments. later virochana has been reported killed by indra in a war. Now, does this Viro-chana sound similar to Vira-cocha ? or is it Vishnu, or Indra who is Viracocha of Peru? who made this giant trident? Is that trident predates 7500BCE? now guys, Is that trident mystery solved or gone more complicated?
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 09:30:17 +0000

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