The Raven- Edgar Allen Poe. As read by Google Translate There - TopicsExpress


The Raven- Edgar Allen Poe. As read by Google Translate There once was a sad night, during meditation, weak and weary, Tends more strange and exotic to the size of the flag oblivion, During nodded, almost asleep and suddenly there came tapping, By someone gently rapping, rapping here for me. The visit of S, I muttered, tapping at my camera port Thats it, nothing more. Ah, I remember it was coupled December, And each separate spectrum embers wrought death in the ground. Ardently wanted tomorrow. - Tried in vain to borrow From my books surcease even for the loss of Lenore sorrow- The rare and radiant maiden, the angel Lenore the Anonymous forever. And the theft of all sad silk purple curtain Me- exciting me filled with fantastic terrors never felt before. So now, still hit my heart, and I repeat, It is the visitor who wants to get in the door of my room Some late visitor who wants to give me her; - This and nothing else. Upon my soul grew stronger, frequency, and no more, And I said, Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore. But the truth is that I was in a trance, rap, and so sweetly, And so weak you came tapping, tapping at my door, I can not believe Ive heard here you- opened the door; - Dark, neither more nor less. Deep in the darkness peering long time, stunned, anxiety, Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal dared to dream. But the silence was indestructible, and the stillness gave no sign, He whispered, and the only word there spoken Lenore! This I whispered, and an echo murmured the word, Lenore! - Only these, and not more. Go back to the camera, all the spirit burns within me, Soon again I heard a little more difficult than before the development. Of course, I told him: This is definitely something in my poetry: We see, then, what is the time and this mystery explore- My heart is still a moment and this mystery explore. - Tis the wind and nothing more. In hub opened the door, and with many of the league and flutter, There is a line in ancient times pious air Jalil. Finally, he paid tribute. Not for a stopover minute or less remaining Director; With the air of the Lord or Lady perched in front of me Just above the door of the room on a statuesque Palace Floating property, and nothing more. Then this ebony beguiling my sad fancy is a smile, With the serious and rigorous fitness facial was wearing. I am, I said, although coated and shaved the summit, the art of not funky, Old Raven wandering terrible and the threat of shorebirds in the night Tell me what thy lordly name is located on the shore of Plutonian night! Said Raven, Nevermore. I often surprised to hear so clearly this speech plump bird, Even if the answer is very little connection importance, carry, Because we do not, but probably admit that no living man He was blessed with the eyes of a bird over the door of his room Bird or animal idols over the door of his room, With a name like this, Nevermore. But the raven, sitting lonely on the statue of the Pacific, spoke only The word, as if his soul in that word, the chatter. Nothing beyond what was not a feather then uttered- fluttered- Even rarer muttered, other friends have flown I in front- The day after he left me, as my hopes flown before. Then the bird never again, he said. Surprised the silence was broken by mail spoke so well, Sure, I said, Of course it is in stock and just shop From some unhappy master gets disasters colorless compassion Followed fast and followed faster till his songs one burden drilling Even dirges of his hope that melancholy carry the load Of never again. But the raven still beguiling all my fancy into smiling, I relaxed in a wheelchair in front of bird and bust and gate; Then, when the velvet sinking, I connect Consider the imagination with another, what this ominous bird yore- What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt and ominous bird of yesteryear Meaning in croaking Nevermore. This I sat without knowing the words involved, Flying over the glowing embers, with sparkling eyes in the middle of my chest. This and more I sat presumption, and his head resting Pad Velvet that the lamplight gloated oer, But the purple velvet lining with the lamplight gloating oer, They ask, yes! Then I found the air became more and more intense, fragrant unseen censer Submitted by Serafini, who signed for land footsteps triumphal Rang rotated. Miserable I cried, thy God hath delivered, by these angels We sent you Calm and drinks Silwan Respite- of your memories of Lenore! Swallow my load of this type of syrup Silwan and remember those lost Lenore! Said Raven, Nevermore. The Prophet, he said, something evil - prophet still, if bird or if Satan! - Whether tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee the price for this accommodation Khirbet enchanted- and fearless on this desert land In this house of horrors haunted- really say I implore- So there is a balm in Gilead? - I mean me- tell me, what I call ! Said Raven, Nevermore. The Prophet, said I, `thing of evil prophet still, if bird or Satan! Against the sky of God who leans on adore- Uploaded this soul with sorrow when away in Aden Sits virgin saints, angels, block Lenore Virgin them rare and radiant barrier angels call Lenore. Said Raven, Nevermore. Be that word Vracna, bird or fiend! I cried, upstarting- Back in the storm and the night beach Plutonian! Do not let the trademark black cloud has prescribed you this lie! Leaving two uninterrupted! - Termination of the statue above my door! Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from my point of view Gate! Said Raven, Nevermore. Agitated for The Raven is never sits still, still sitting still The statue Palace pale right on top of her to me; And his eyes have all the seeming dream demon, The lamplight oer him streaming throws his shadow on land; And I dampened the shadow on the floor No longer lifted-!
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 06:52:03 +0000

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