The Real Need (Part Two) For all have sinned and fall short of - TopicsExpress


The Real Need (Part Two) For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus. ROMANS 3:23-24 As my flying companion (from the story I began yesterday) and I began to talk, I asked about his relationship with God. He told me about a near-fatal accident he had once experienced. After rolling his truck several times, he was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident. A few minutes later, he was resuscitated. He said that while he was “dead,” he saw a hand come out of the light and push him back toward his earthly life. I asked him if he believed God has a reason, or purpose, for his life. When he nodded yes, I took the next 10 minutes to explain the gospel to him. You would think that someone who had been through such an experience would be spiritually receptive to the gospel. He wasn’t. Like many, he was determined to reach heaven on his terms, not God’s. My new acquaintance thought that Jesus Christ might be the way for me but not for him. My conversation that day was a fresh reminder that the real need of people is to acknowledge their need for the one true God, to admit their sinfulness and to experience by faith His love and forgiveness. If we don’t understand our own sinfulness and the judgment and penalty it demands, then there seems to be no need for the Savior. Jesus Christ died for our sins and was raised so that, if we humble ourselves and receive Him as our Lord and Savior, we can be forgiven—despite any mess that we’ve made of our lives. No, this man did not make a commitment to Christ. My responsibility before God was to be faithful to share Jesus Christ and give him the opportunity to surrender to Christ. I hope he won’t forget our conversation. I certainly won’t. I’m still praying for him. DISCUSS What is your understanding of your sinfulness? Why do you need the Savior? PRAY Spend time praying for people you know, including your children, who need to understand why they need Christ.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 12:19:22 +0000

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