The Real Problem and the Solution. The Most Important NOW but to - TopicsExpress


The Real Problem and the Solution. The Most Important NOW but to be continued: Read this Story please: Ladakh, or little Tibet in the Western Himalaya which was a remote Land for Centuries, isolated from the outside World. Untill recently the Ladakhis sustained themselves through LOCAL Farming and LOCAL Trade. This was a Way of Life which was susatainable and finely tuned to the Environment Economic Analyst and Autor Helena Norberg Hodge knows Ladakh from the Inside. She believes, their Story can shed Light on the Root Causes of the Crises now facing our Planet. She says, that she spent the last 35 Years in Ladakh, and worked with their People in Order to strengthen their Culture, as it confronts the modern World. Over the Years Ladakh became a second Home to her, even allmost a first Home, because it was a huge Source of Inspiration. She learned that social, ecologial and personal Wellbeing are interwined and about the Root Causes of Happiness. She was also forced to reconsider many of the basic Assumptions, which she has allways taken for granted and to look at her own western Culture in a different Light. She says: There was a Sort of Radiance and Vitality which i have never experienced anywhere else. Even the material Standard of Living was high. The had long and spacious Houses and plenty of free and leasure Time. There was no Unemployment, such Thing had never existed there, and noone went hungry. Of course they might not have had ALL Comforts and Luxuries, but what they DID have was a Way of Life, which was vastly more sustainable then ours, and which was far more joyous and rich. Then in the 1970s Ladakh was suddenly thrown open to the outside World. Cheap and subsidised Food, for example from Nestle, was trucked in on subsidised Roads, by Vehicles running on subsidised Fuel. This heavilly undermined Ladakhs local Economy. At the same Time the Ladakhis were bombarded with Advertising and Media Images that romantisized Western Style Consumerism and made their own Culture seem pitifull by Comparison. (For example Cocca Cola Comercials and they did not see the Great Value of Free Fresh Clean Water Streams which they had in Abundance!!! bc of the Brainwash by this romantisized Commercials which do not show the Concrete Jungle Reality created by such Companies) As the Area was increasingly exposed to Western Consumerism Culture, Helena saw how started to see themselves as remote, backwards, poor and primitive. In the early Years before this occured, she went to this beautifull greenest flowering Village and just out of Curiousity she asked a young Man from there to show her the poorest House. He thought for a bit and then he said: We do not have any poor Houses here, we are not poor. Then Years later, she heard the same Man say to a Tourist: Oh if you could only help us Ladakhis, we are so poor! Today Ladakh faces a wide Range of Problems, that were unknown in their Traditional Culture. The Changes in Ladakh were so clear cut and drastic.And Helena saw with her own Eyes Cause and Effect: ONE MINUTE YOU GOT A VITAL PEOPLE IN A REALLY SUSTAINABLE CULTURE which had lasted Thousands of Years. THE NEXT MINUTE YOU GOT POLLUTION BOTH OF AIR AND WATER, UNEMPLOYMENT; AND A EVER GROWING GAP BETWEEN RICH AND POOR! and perhaps most shocking of all in a People who have been so SPIRITUALLY GROUNDED you now got DEVICIVNESS and DEPRESSION! These Changes are NOT the Result of inate Human Greed or some Sort of Evolutionary Force, they happened far too suddenly for that! THEY WERE CLEARLY THE DIRECT RESULT OF EXPOSURE TO OUTSIDE ECONOMIC PRESSURES! And Helena witnessed how these PREASSURES ignited intense COMPETITION breaking down the Community and the Connection to Nature, that has been the CORNERSTONES OF LADAKHI CULTURE FOR CENTURIES!! So this was Ladakhs Introduction to Globalisation. The true horrible Definition of Globalisation means THE DEREGULATION OF LOCAL TRADE and Local Economy and Finances, so huge multibillion dollar Coorporations and Banks are then able to operate Worldwide and The Creation of a global Market which is ruled by Transnational Coorporations and Banks. It is OFTEN MISTAKEN for international working together or global Interaction or with a World Comminity. The Solution for this Monster is to Create Local Organic and strong Communities, Farming and Trade while still supporting Global Projects which work toward the Healing of the Earth! If i had any Advice to give People from other Lands who toy with the Idea to immigrate to Europe or from Romania of Russia to Germany to better their Situation work vise or financially i would tell them NOT to do it, espec. if they have Familly and Land over there or own a House, even if small! Do not trade what you got which is so much for a Illusion of Hollywood Lies, there is no Life in big City, trust me, i KNOW! Of course Refugees are welcome, but i am talking about Immigrants who have no real Reason, beware, do not sell your Land, it feeds you and is most valuable your will ever have. Without Earth Humans will die. We need her to Live, she is our Mother. This is it for now i will continue later as there is still much to write.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:53:00 +0000

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