The Real Reason that Sleep Deprivation can Destroy YOU - TopicsExpress


The Real Reason that Sleep Deprivation can Destroy YOU !!! ---------------------------------- Everyone has experienced headache and physical misery we feel after a couple of nights without sleep enough. But, why the lack of sleep causes such alteration in the body? New research, published in Science , explains why sleep plays a vital role. In fact, they do it correctly can have more serious consequences than we think. RELEVANT: What happens to your brain when you get drunk and do not remember anything? Probably happened to all of us sometimes: party, music, one, two or three glasses of more ... The next morning comes the worst. Hangover, sore ... Read more ... The summary: the new study provides evidence that every night we need a certain amount of sleep it is time that the brain uses to dispose of toxic metabolic substances. If these substances accumulate in the brain, neurons destroy, potentially causing neurodegenerative disorders. One of the many functions of the lymphatic system is to remove waste from the body. A fluid called lymph, lymph vessels runs, covering the cells and tissues, cellular debris collects and returns to the bloodstream for the body and remove the filter. But the brain has no lymphatic vessels. It has its own internal ecosystem and is surrounded by the so-called blood-brain barrier , which controls what enters and leaves the body. This performance has always been a mystery to scientists. Because the brain has a high metabolic activity, how do you remove metabolic waste produced effectively between cells? asks Rashid Deane, a researcher at the University of Rochester Medical Center . The system glinfático RELEVANT Scientists discover why Einsteins brain was unique Albert Einstein was a genius because. Researchers have long been suspected that the brain of the scientist had to have something ... Read more ... Deane and colleagues found last year that the brain does indeed have its own waste management system. He was baptized with the name of glinfático system , referring to the glial cells that are involved in this operation and in the lymphatic system. Glinfático system of glial cells is made star-shaped called astrocytes , which form a network of water pipes that surround the blood vessels of the brain. Cerebrospinal fluid to the brain in the ducts surrounding the arteries. This fluid then passes through the tissues, and is mixed with the interstitial fluid (full of waste) surrounding brain cells. Finally, cerebrospinal fluid collects in the ducts substances around the veins and leaves the brain, taking metabolic debris. The important part is that now these researchers have found that the system is responsible for cleaning glinfático the brain of beta-amyloid , a molecule that many researchers believe may lead to Alzheimers cause if it accumulates. That is, the new research suggests that Alzheimers can reach glinfático occur if the system is malfunctioning. In fact, researchers demonstrated that if these water conduits disposed in mice, the result is that the beta-amyloid in the brain accumulates. How did they do? Sleeping to remove debris RELEVANT Why do we need sleep? Scientists discover a new reason Sleep is necessary. That is certain. Among the many benefits it brings restful sleep, scientists at the University of Wisconsin have ... Read more ... With the above full, Deane and his colleagues wondered whether there were differences in the system glinfático when you asleep and awake. While you are awake, the brain cells are in operation producing waste, but then also need to remove them , explains Deane. This removal may be difficult or inefficient if the brain is receiving information. Additionally, scientists had discovered earlier that beta-amyloid levels are higher during waking than asleep. On one hand, this change may mean that the production of beta-amyloid is different from other substances during sleep. On the other, it could mean that the brain simply gets rid of waste while we sleep better. To demonstrate these ideas, the researchers trained mice to relax and fall asleep in a device called two-photon microscope , which can be traced in high resolution dye movement through the body. Once the mice were asleep - something researchers knew from their brain activity - green ink injected into his spinal fluid. After an hour and a half, woke mice and injected a red ink in the cerebrospinal fluid. Tracking the movements of both inks, found that cerebrospinal fluid flows through the interstitial fluid - the space between cells - was only 5% when awake than it was when they were asleep. The following: the researchers decided to test whether the space or interstitial fluid increases during sleep, which could explain the increase in the flow of cerebrospinal fluid. If the gap between the cells is greater, then there would be more space to flow fluid , says Deane. Its discovery in the mouse awake, the interstitial space represents between 13 and 15% of the brain volume. But when the mouse is sleeping, this space is increased to between 22 and 24%. Researchers are not sure why the space is increased during sleep, but his theory is that brain cells actually shrink. The real reason that sleep deprivation can destroy you Therefore, the cerebrospinal fluid and interstitial space size increase during sleep. Does this mean that the brain is able to remove more waste while we sleep? To check, injected beta-amyloid in the brains of mice awake and asleep. Your system glinfático waste eliminated twice as fast in the brains of mice asleep than awake. The relationship with neurodegenerative diseases RELEVANT Why our brain thinks this is a dog? Anyone who sees the photo on these lines immediately see an adorable Dalmatian jogging. However, the reality is that the image does not contain ... Read more ... Alzheimers and other neurodegenerative diseases are associated not only with the accumulation of waste in the brain, but also with the lack of sleep. While previous research by these scientists had suggested that glinfático system failures could be responsible for neurodegenerative diseases, the current study suggests that lack of sleep is an additional risk. Specifically, if someone does not get enough sleep repeatedly, beta-amyloid and other debris may accumulate in the brain and destroy brain cells, something that could end up resulting in dementia. Both glinfático system failure as a lack of sleep can lead to an increase in waste in the brain , says Deane. The implications of this new study are immense, especially if you consider that millions of people around the world suffer from sleep problems. There are several medications that help you sleep, but according to Deane, new treatments could also help the brain to remove debris. You can read the full study in Science . Opening Photo: via bark / Flickr. Graphic: by Suzana Herculano-Houzel / Science . ...................................... es.gizmodo/la-verdadera-razon-por-la-que-la-falta-de-sueno-te-pued-1448283902
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 13:23:09 +0000

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