The Real Terrorist State is israel This video is not - TopicsExpress


The Real Terrorist State is israel This video is not anti-Semitic. It is anti-Zionist. If you dont know the difference, then you are a part of the problem, not the solution. Look past the messenger. The proof I speak of is in the news reports shown in this video, not the word of the narrator. This video reveals who the real terrorists are. The traitors in our government support this because they are paid off by AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), the Zionist Israel Political Action Committee in Washington. Most of our politicians in Washington sign an agreement of allegiance with AIPAC in order to receive the bribes and the money they pay out to support their re-election campaigns. These politicians are clearly traitors and terrorists, and have repeatedly sold out American lives in staged terror attacks and unconstitutional, immoral and genocidal wars for their own political gain. And they continue to support acts of terrorism and treason. They will take us into World War 3 with Israel unless we stop them now! Support Ron Paul! He is the only candidate in the race for the presidency who is not bought off by the terrorists.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 03:56:00 +0000

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