The Reality Unfolds for All APCNA: Are Stakeholders Genuinely - TopicsExpress


The Reality Unfolds for All APCNA: Are Stakeholders Genuinely Conscious of Our Responsibility and Action to Make a Difference? Culled from the APC-NA BRANCH forum Comrades of the APCNA Noble Branch: What’s very important and matters most in any undertaking in life, as far as my experience has taught me is that, “principles” must serve as the foundation of our loyalty – loyalty to God, family, oneself, your country, your people, your leaders, political party, religion and many more. Thus, for many people, when there is a shift or change for benefits and perhaps fear of losing benefits in the organization, their loyalty would shift with awareness that the shift/change is not right. Their loyalty will be demonstrated by glorifying what is in question that is not right. On the contrary, the genuinely conscious people would point out concerns and their loyalty still remains sure and steadfast. You’ll find these sets of people in every organization especially in political entities. They can change in a minute, perhaps less. At the end, knowing such people among the sundry for opportunism and inconsistencies, they may never find a hiding place for deceit but trouble. In regard, I’ve found out that one of the deflections of some comrades in the APCNA is the lack of true loyalty to themselves and to their contemporaries for objectives of a common ground. They say one thing today and deviate from the group the next day as innocent like a new born. Is it good politics? It depends on the individual’s character and time will tell. Before proceeding, I like to categorize myself and several people I know that, in times of heat and blame, our loyalty has been always anchored to immovable values to remain the same. On the contrary, many people deceive themselves and others to avoid making difficult changes by bailing out or selling out. It is not necessary to be a total “YES MAN” to demonstrate loyalty. Such loyalty can be dishonest and foolish as it unfolds. The reality of genuine conscience falls in place with compliance when loyalty is genuinely conscientious. This is to claim that every individual should bear the burden to be the real you, stand up for what your conscience questions without deceit and disrespecting others. There is nothing wrong with that rather than honor. The reality about the convention is bleak as a result of unconstructive planning and exclusion of our APCNA chapter presidents and all potential stakeholders. We deserve some respect in the APCNA branch. Let the lust for power in becoming whatever in the branch or in Sierra Leone drives any potential member into a mode of deceitfulness. I’m not angry at anyone but expressing a concern that may affect the future of progress of the branch and the party. Further, there are pronouncements of inconsistencies concerning sources of information from the General Secretariat with no concrete communiqué that are debilitating until the present moment. The APC is far above this kind of uncertainty toward a convention regardless our differences in the APCNA. We should never have to deal with doubts as to where a convention is targeted to be conducted two weeks prior to the convention. Some comrades know that this is NOT right in the first place for our branch and remain mute about it, instead will be pretending as though it doesn’t affect loyal members in the branch because of their deceit. I like to ask why? The APC actually doesn’t need such nefarious hypocrisy for self-aggrandizement. Please!!!! The ramblings continue about who is to shoulder the bill for this and that, including the hustle and bustle over how the event will be conducted in a season of treacherous winter weather already conspicuous in the nation. It’s all roses for some. Great politicians like President Nelson Mandela are among men of genuine conscience and a conscientious thought that is loyal to what is right until today in his rigorous political career for his people and country. He is an African mentor to reckon with. He has been outspoken to his kinsmen and the ANC party about what was right and wrong as seen, not to mention the Apartheid racist party. I believe President Ernest Koroma believes in the same philosophy as that of the intriguing Madiba of Africa. To return to the subject of genuine conscience and conscientious thought combined, since both work simultaneously, they can also be perceived as the source of “genuine responsibility and action”. These are aspects of quality that can be earned, not something we are born with. As we practice them in school, in our communities, homes, political organizations and the work environment, they become a virtue. For some people, it becomes difficult to cultivate these ingredients of characterization. In the process of maturity, they lean on the side of everything is “YES” in deceit to gain the goodies that will never give them infinite satisfaction, never. These are the people who become opportunists for self-survival, regardless if the truth should be suppressed for the common good of the entire sundry. In some situations that may not last long, they are seen as the true loyalists until when reality strikes, they become astray functionaries of the organization. These are people whose interests are focused only on indirectives twisted into directives for self aggrandizement. Nobody is perfect. However, it is unfair to treat others of the same camaraderie as indecisive subjective characters under the banner of loyalty. It is interesting to know that morality and goodness flows from being genuinely conscientious. As it is true while we claim that the APC and its APCNA is a family, what has caused the exclusion of the APCNA from the initial planning of the 2013 APCNA convention? We’re left in the dark. Is that good family relation? Is that respect for the entire APCNA? Is that the best way to deal with the APCNA heterogeneous problems prior to a convention expected to be successful unto long-term solidarity? The primary goal of a APCNA convention is to achieve comprehensive peace and conduct a successful convention with participation of at least 80% of the stakeholders in a season of less stress and reasonable notice for preparations to attend. Again, let me emphasize that President Ernest B. Koroma meant extremely well only if adequate information and advice were provided to him. A diplomatic approach would have facilitated the process of achieving a comprehensive peace during the summer and move on. We’re glad that the convoy wouild arrive here and perform to their capacity but how many people will be there to represent fellow members from various chapters and talk peace at the same time elect a new chairman? There are very few comrades in our midst that are pointing out such concerns other than gratifying the presence of the delegation that don’t have to vote and sustain peace while they are gone. For example, perhaps a third or less of Ohio delegates, and likely as many from Minnesota including other chapters are not attending the convention due to its impromptu nature, the dreadful weather conditions already in motion. Airlines are already flagging flight cancellations, roads are being closed in several parts of the Northeast, Mid-West and South-West due to severe snowy conditions and other human welfare conditions. Amongst us, there are very few that have pointed these debacles of displeasure to the leadership. Instead, some continue to glorify the entire event and members of the delegation, that’s all. Why? I stand to say the General Secretariat should consult for a postponement of the event and concentrate on peace talks prior to convention/election. This time, a preamble to a convention may be more appealing to a majority of members although some remain silent. Ladies and gentlemen, what is wrong if we can’t express our genuine concerns to our leaders especially for those in our midst with aspirations to succeed in the party’s leadership of the future? Do you think this mannerism of hypocrisy is leadership in APCNA and helping our present leadership to continuously succeed? Why should some of us sugar-coat inadequate decisions for the progress of peace and solidarity in the APCNA? The APCNA branch is a vital component of the APC party. No matter what has happened amongst us, we’re all APC members. Therefore, when there are issues to be addressed to mend problems for a smooth co-existence among members that have actually caused dichotomy in the branch, it is our genuine responsibility for adequate action to make a difference for the better. As a prospective candidate aspiring for the 2013 chairmanship of the APCNA with high profile prospects of winning, as is evidence based on the weather conditions alone, how can delegates in my favor who are unable to attend vote in absentia at the convention? We’re not expecting a tele-conference convention but a live convention where candidates will be heard and able to interact with delegates. How can I expect a victory in vicinity favorable for the local candidate? In fact, what will be the conviction of the delegation over the outcome of this convention/election? There are so many doubts and questions in the minds of many members. I believe that true loyalty must take as its cause something bigger than the individual; it must be rooted in principles, not people. Ladies and gentlemen of APCNA, we’re one political family hungry for peace and stability but the attitude of dishonesty and hypocrisy that amounts to self-deceit is disturbing and damaging to the solidarity of our branch. Let us believe in standing up to speak the truth in civility derived from benefits of the American democratic principles we’ve acquired all these years.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 18:18:35 +0000

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