The Reality of Atlantis. Atlantis is not a lost city. It never - TopicsExpress


The Reality of Atlantis. Atlantis is not a lost city. It never existed in the first place. Plato was writing/telling a story based on real events that happened on what is known today as Santorini, just like novelists today write stories based on real events. Plato also embellished a few things and sensationalised a few things to make his story all the more exciting and to make it last the ages as back then stories were passed on by mouth from generation to generation. Plato based his story on the real events that took place which destroyed the Minoan city on the volcanic island that once stood where Santorini is today. There was never any concentric island formation to the degree that Plato embellished on. When you look at the volcanic island of Santorini today you can see water surrounding land, water then more land as a new volcanic grows up out of the remains of the old so there were nowhere near as many concentric circles as written by Plato or estimated by others since in their illustrations of how Atlantis may have looked. Atlantis was not an entire continent the size of Asia and Europe combined. This is just more embellishment on Plato’s part. Plato purposely placed his invented city in an area of the world where he knew no one of the time could go looking for it. This has certainly added to the myth of Atlantis because morons tend to look for Atlantis in the silliest of places. Forget about the location of where Plato “places” Atlantis. He just wanted to create a location beyond the reach of people of the time where people feared to travel beyond the Straits of Gibraltar. Some brain dead morons would lay claim to Plato not knowing about what happened to the Minoan city on the volcanic island where Santorini is today but the truth and fact remains, he did know of the story of this Minoan city as the story was passed on down the generation’s right through to even Plato’s time. Why do you think Plato claimed that the Atlantean’s were wiped off the face of this Earth in a single day and night? To prevent people looking for what never existed to being with because he knew he had invented Atlantis and knew he was telling a story just like novelists do today when they invent a story or embellish a story based on real events. Those of us with the brains to understand this also understand something else that others refuse to see and believe – how Plato describes the stonework of the buildings in Atlantis. Plato is very specific in his description of the stonework and colouring of stones used in the buildings of Atlantis. Plato is describing the exact stonework and colouring of stones that can only be found in Minoan buildings. He is describing Minoan buildings as being the buildings of Atlantis. You only have to go look at the remains of Minoan buildings that have been unearthed over recent years to see it for yourself. Minoans built multi-storey structures which meant they were advanced for their time, sounding similar to Plato’s description of Atlantis and the Atlantean’s. Plato talks of statues and carvings, artwork of bulls as being prominent in Atlantis culture – the exact same thing as in Minoan culture which you can still see to this day. Whereas Plato wiped out Atlantis from existence in his story and wiped out everything to do with them from the face of the Earth, even after the collapse of Minoan society, remnants still existed. The Minoans were powerful and dominated much of the Mediterranean including parts of North Africa. The city on what is now Santorini was a very important city and after its destruction, the Minoan’s power crumbled throughout the area. Sounding very much like Plato’s Atlantis story more and more because he based Atlantis on the real events of what happened to the Minoans, just the Minoans survived whereas Plato had to kill of the Atlantean way of life altogether in his story. So what happened to this important city of the Minoans? Well, it was built on a volcanic island which we know as Santorini today. The caldera lies on the sea bed and is rather larger. Constant eruptions lead to an island being created. Then there’s an eruption where sea water makes it into the magma chamber with explosive results, blowing the island apart essentially. Large parts of the island fall into the sea creating tsunamis that travel throughout the Mediterranean. This had not happened just once. It has happened many times. Today, we see Santorini as concentric circle like features of island, water, land and water. This is because sometimes the island manages to grow quite large before sea water penetrates the magma chamber. Other times, you get a medium or small island before sea water penetrates the magma chamber. Volcanic islands are not solid masses of land. They can be like honeycombs with old lava tubes etc. throughout the foundations of the island as it is built over many, many years. Once eruptions break the surface of the water, the volcano starts to build land mass. And located in the land mass you will find the main recognisable feature you associate with a come shaped volcano over time with a fragile island built around it. Back in Minoan time, they settled this island and built a city which became a very important city in the area. Minoans were aware of the unstable ground as they worked wood frames into their stone walls to help stabilise the walls as they were aware of Earthquake’s but were not aware of what they were or the deadly cause of them of magma shifting under the ground. As with previous times there was one fatal eruption of a magnitude that allowed sea water to break through into the magma chamber. The resulting explosion devastated the island the Minoan city was built upon. As this Volcano erupted throughout the day and night and with the resulting sea water breaking through the magma chamber, the island fell apart in no time at all. The island was gone within 24 hours. It is safe to say that 90% of what was there fell right down into the caldera and surrounding sea floor which over time became buried with layers of sediment growth, not to mention the ash and pumice stone layers fossilising on top. As the large parts of the island collapse into the sea, they create tsunamis and evidence of tsunamis can be found in Greece, tsunamis that happened when the Minoan city was lost. When you have remains of islands and buildings falling into a caldera you cannot hope to find any archaeological evidence because everything that is capable of doing so is smelted and recycled into the magma that lies within while everything else is incinerated. I always find it amusing when I watch programs where people are trying to discover the location of Atlantis even looking in the southern part of Spain where there is a national park which has often been impacted by tsunamis and is not far beyond the Straits of Gibraltar. There could in fact be a lost city in this area, evidence does suggest this, but it will not be the fabled Atlantis which was nothing more than a figment of Plato’s creativity as a story teller. There is what people refer to as a shrine of sorts not far from this national park in Spain. It is a replica of a city. They claim it to be a scaled down version of Atlantis. They claim the guardian symbol carved into the wall at the entrance to the city, a stick like figure brandishing a sword and shield, is in fact a stick man like figure brandishing a sword and the concentric circles are in fact Atlantis when if you are a guardian, protector of a city, especially back then, what would you use? A sword and a shield is the correct answer. So what is carved into the wall on the entrance to the “shrine city” is not a stick man with a sword and concentric circle depicting Atlantis. It is nothing more than a stick man with a sword and shield to guard and protect the city. Atlantis is not in South America. It is not in the Caribbean. It is not in the Artic or the Antarctic. Atlantis and its people were nothing more than the creation of an ancient story teller who wanted to create a story that would last for centuries and he succeeded in doing so. If novelists, novels as we know them today and best seller lists were around back in Plato’s day, then no doubt he would have been number one of the best sellers list for a year or two with is captivating story of the destruction of a powerful and advanced civilisation in the space of 24 hours. The people who go looking for Atlantis today fail to see what is right in front of them. They fail to believe what the archaeological and geological evidence proves. They are blinded by myth and legends. They think they will become rich and famous and being on the front page of Time magazine from finding Atlantis. They waste their time and sponsors money on searching for what never existed to begin with. Look at the locales for Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, even what doubles for Tatooine in Star Wars, people today travel to these places to see them. Real places are used for the fictional locations and buildings in some of the greatest fictional stories ever told in our age. Plato just did the exact same thing with Atlantis and the Minoans…
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 00:29:18 +0000

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