The Reality of Suffering - The question: “Why does God allow us - TopicsExpress


The Reality of Suffering - The question: “Why does God allow us to pass through the dark valleys of loss, grief, broken relationships, financial crises, loss of jobs, floods, earthquakes, hunger, horrific crimes, illness and disease” has rung out through the ages. It is a question that is difficult to answer, although I believe we can find some pieces of the puzzle when we turn to the Creator God’s written revelation regarding Himself, our world and our pain. But before doing that, a reality check requires us to admit that no one is totally exempt from pain, suffering and sorrow. It is a universal experience of all persons irrespective of race, color, creed, place of domicile, social or financial status. Admittedly, some experience more, but none escape. This has been true and actually confirms the account of the great fall in the Garden of Eden. Pain and suffering are the consequences of our first parents disobedience – Adam and Eve (Genesis 3: Holy Bible). Getting back to some of the answers that can be found in the Holy Bible we must first admit that God is powerful enough to do away with any and all pain and suffering, but the fact remains that He does not choose to do so. Does this mean that He is not good to all of us? No, the Holy Scriptures relate over and over that the Creator God is good to His creation (Psalm 84:11: Holy Bible). Then we can conclude that if He is good, and does not push His delete button labeled pain and suffering for any or all of us, that He intends it to work for our good (Romans 8:28-29). So, what are some of the good things that can emerge from the dark valleys we are allowed by a sovereign God to pass through? (1) We can gain spiritual strength to keep us strong for the long haul through life’s journey. (2) Pain can press us into a more intimate relationship with our Creator and motivate us to be more like His son, the Lord Jesus Christ, and that is what our heavenly Father desires for all his children. (3) And the third purpose is related to hope. God does not intend for us ever to despair in the midst of our pain. Instead, He gives us precious promises to keep us from giving up on life when the storms appear to be taking us down. When we believe His promises we will find hope and meaning in the midst of painful seasons (Romans 5:3-4 Jeremiah 29:11: Holy Bible). - Dr. Freda Crews
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 16:00:00 +0000

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