The Reappearance of the Christ - Daily: Saturday, 24th of - TopicsExpress


The Reappearance of the Christ - Daily: Saturday, 24th of January [That new world religion must be based upon those truths which have stood the test of ages and which have brought assurance and comfort to men everywhere. These surely are: 1. The Fact of God 2. Mans Relationship to God 3. The Fact of Immortality and of Eternal Persistence - see prior] 4. The Continuity of Revelation and the Divine Approaches A fourth essential truth and one which clarifies all the planned work of the Christ is tied in with spiritual revelation and the need of man for God and of God for man. Never has Deity left Itself at any time without witness. Never has man demanded light that the light has not been forthcoming. Never has there been a time, cycle or world period when there was not the giving out of the teaching and spiritual help which human need demanded. Never did the hearts and minds of men go out towards God, but that divinity itself came nearer to [148] man. The history of mankind is, in reality, the history of mans demand for light and for contact with God, and then the giving of light and the approach of God to man. Always the Savior, the Avatar or the World Teacher issued forth from the secret place of the Most High and brought to man fresh revelation, fresh hope and a fresh incentive towards fuller spiritual living. Some of these Approaches have been of a major nature, affecting humanity as a whole and some of them are of less importance, affecting only a relatively small part of mankind - a nation or a group. Those Who come as the Revealers of the love of God come from that spiritual center to which the Christ gave the name the Kingdom of God (Matt., VI, 33.) Here dwell the spirits of just men made perfect (Heb., XII, 23.); here the spiritual Guides of the race are to be found and here the spiritual Executives of Gods plan live and work and oversee human and planetary affairs. It is called by many names by many people. It is spoken of as the Spiritual Hierarchy, as the Abode of Light, as the Center where the Masters of the Wisdom are to be found, as the Great White Lodge. From it come those who act as Messengers of the Wisdom of God, Custodians of the truth as it is in Christ, and Those Whose task is to save the world, to impart the next revelation, and to demonstrate divinity. All the world Scriptures bear witness to the existence of this center of spiritual energy. This spiritual Hierarchy has been steadily drawing nearer to humanity as men have become more conscious of divinity and more fitted for contact with the divine.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 01:00:21 +0000

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