The Reasons Why You Should Speak Up (Even When You Think You - TopicsExpress


The Reasons Why You Should Speak Up (Even When You Think You Shouldnt) by Sue Jamora and Rolando T. Corpus “The price of doing the same old thing is far higher than the price of change.” --Bill Clinton People are always curious, creative, fearless, and some are just plain watchers. Are you one to sit back quietly? If you are, then you may be hurting yourself and may hurt others as well. Here we would like to show you why there are five good reasons to speak your mind loudly and often. But before going any further, we would like to share with you notes and comments sent to us for answers. The problem we have is that we get to discover people who are in distress, and are likely persecuted by the very people we deem we placed in position because we think they will do the right thing yet do not....but what you find instead, is that they are enjoying the privileges and power that comes along with the position they were employed to do. For over two months this story has followed us around in our group discussions, has intruded our private lives, and has assaulted us through the many pages of many private messages that comes our way. These institutional workers assume a variety of disguises, being sometimes a little larger than life to many and sometimes a little smaller than usual, but ever changing so much as to be unrecognizable AGENTS OF DECEIT. The persistence with which the events of the decisions made by committees and so called EXCOM members plagues us more than a random accident. There is, to quote a famous senator, a design behind it, some pattern governing its appearances. Either there really is something unusual about the many events that has transpired over the course of our history as a Seventh Day Adventist institution or else one may call us as a group suffering from delusions of speaking the truth. We shall begin our case history by telling you about some events that tested how accurately people can react to the magnitudes of various aspects of a stimulus especially to deeds or works that will prevent them from getting the financial advantage they so entrenched on achieving on a daily basis, and of course at the cost of the laity and the institution. In the traditional language of psychology these would be called experiments in absolute judgment. Historical events, however, has decreed that they should have another name. No longer the ETERNAL GARDEN FIASCO or THE HOPE CHANNEL FINANCIAL BUNGLE. We now call them experiments on the capacity of people to TRANSMIT INFORMATION. Since these experiments would not have been done without the appearance of information theory on the psychological scene, and since the results are analyzed in terms of the concepts of the information theory i.e. please you cannot tell anyone one about this information we gave you or please do not link my name to this story or you cannot mention the people involved) we shall have to preface our discussion with just a few remarks about the bigger issue that really plagues the institution. We were in a discussion group over a month ago and interesting enough one in the party reluctantly opened up, We have so many problems in our home church (PPH - Philippine Publishing House) in Baesa yet so many people do not speak up. Why cant they speak up? a couple of us listening asked. Its a sad state because they are sent and reassigned to some distant remote unimaginable areas. And when they speak their mind, the following morning during worship time they will be castigated immensely (in local terms sinasabon at pinahihirapan). Because it is their only means of livelihood they are coerced to not speak their minds nor correct the situation. Take the case of a previous pastor and worker who was very much loved by the PPH church youth and members, He didnt authorize the overtime of Mrs T because company policy prohibits it and her overtime is spent Skyping with someone who is abroad. He was reassigned to a far away land within a couple of months later. The other issue we have is, its unbelievable how our workers can just spend money in a snap, go for holidays with their wives just to have a meeting overseas (we thought we heard Taiwan) to discuss what to do with the 100 million pesos offer by the same buyer of PUC in the past....uhmmmm and mind you a letter has been drafted requesting the mother institution to declare that the sale price is only 50 million pesos Ok. Talks. Stories. Anecdotes. The saying when there is smoke there is fire in many cases is true to many extent. People especially in a group setting for sure will not go to the extent of giving collective information if it will not pose any ethical dilemmas or affect their livelihood and statuses against a rogue monarch who points at his/her finger to anyone they deem a threat every morning worship. Discussing such ethical issues gives way to many dilemmas on why our institutional leaders and workers placed in certain positions of power ignore the true commitment they swore to when initially employed by our institution. We as a community must be regularly challenged to speak up what is true. The leaders criticism and anger shown to its workers during breakfast worship should never prevented one from presenting the facts, because as we always say, a Christian is called to speak the truth in love, whether or not it is accepted. That certain employee may have been thrown to a far flung village but he did the right thing because he knows its the right thing to do. Obviously morals are well defined in this instance. We now ask WHO then are the most likely people within the institution who can produce commitment to change? Who can we rate are the most effective group to influence leadership effectiveness and influence behaviour? The answer is always there, its us The LAITY. We can call for disciplinary recommended and actions unbeknownst to many but this will be another topic for this forum another time. In order for us to understand how our institution can move forward — with its true purpose in fact, we need to have a VOICE that speaks the truth at whatever the cost may be. Recent dismissal of one or two workers prove that God has never abandoned those who carry out the true purpose of spreading the news of salvation. In fact they have grown in numbers and their livelihood sustained. Then the question now is do you have a Reason to Speak Up Even When You Think You Shouldnt? Here is an excerpt from an essay on why we should speak up: The art of communication is not mastered by just knowing what to say and how to say it. A big factor is knowing when to say it. So often people sit back and say nothing when something really needs to be said. It could be an idea, a suggestion, an observation, a criticism...but for some reason they dont want to speak up. They may be afraid of hurting another person, looking mean or foolish, or most of all OPENING A CAN OF WORMS that will make a mess in everyones lives. Sometimes it seems like staying silent is the wiser choice. But here are five reasons why despite the risk, standing up and saying your peace is best. 1. Silence is deemed approval. You may think that staying silent keeps you from being involved in any conflict, but quite the opposite. Silence is as much an active form of communication as talking. Anytime you are involved in a situation, people are aware of all the input and lack of it. If you disapprove and dont say anything it will not make you seem easy going. If the problem persists and you did nothing people may consider it as enabling and think the issue is as much your fault as the person who actually caused the problem. You may destroy trust and create resentment. People rarely thank you for withholding information down the line. 2. The greater good should be the priority. I like to believe most people are good hearted by nature. And many stay silent because they dont want to do any harm by offending or criticizing someone. But when a person or the team is headed down a dangerous path its selfish to put your own need to be comfortable above the needs of the others. Worse, by staying silent, you may be harming the very people you hope to help. The worst case scenario if you speak up is that someone may disagree, but at least the issue is at the forefront and an active decision can be made. The best case scenario is that everyone benefits and you are hailed as a powerful leader. 3. Demonstrate you are invested. Why are you in the conversation in the first place? Someone invited you into the dynamic. If you truly dont have a stake then find a better use of your time. But if you are there for a reason you need to show your commitment to the process and the people involved by being active and vocal. Speaking up is an important form of honesty. Honesty actually builds trust, especially when combined with tact and empathy. Demonstrate that you will be truthful with people, that you care about them, and that you give good advice, and you will never lack for trusting friends and followers. 4. No one else may know. You cant assume the obvious is obvious. Your experience and knowledge has value in a given situation. No one else has your unique perspective. That doesnt mean that everything in your brain is worth communicating, but with a little discretion and thought, you should be able to bring value in most situations. And your piece of the puzzle may be the most important finisher. Youre also not doing yourself any favors by not sharing your expertise. People dont automatically recognize your skills, values, ambitions, and desires when you are quiet. If you wait around for people to notice or read your mind, you will likely end up on many paths that are not of your own choosing. You may end up with projects you dont want, missing promotions you do, or accepting tasks you dont have time or ability to complete. Gather up your confidence and share. 5. You may not be alone in your thinking. Its entirely possible that your insightful observations and conclusions have surfaced in the minds of others. Others may share your thoughts and opinions, but may be also unwilling to speak up. By speaking your mind you encourage them to voice their opinions as well. If everyone holds back, the bus may silently head over a cliff. In my organization we believe so strongly that everything should be voiced in some manner that we have a core value of Bring It Up. We would sooner celebrate somebody saying something irrelevant and unimportant than lose ground or have massive failure due to group silence. Melinda Quintos de Jesus, Executive Director of the Center for Media Freedom & Responsibility, delivered this keynote address at an international Conference on Press Freedom on March 10, 2014 in Myanmar. The reason for enclosing some excerpts from her speech is that, our leaders and employed officials have adopted the concept of the Lese Majeste Laws to which they are not entitled to and never will be entitled to. The concept goes like this: The King shall be enthroned in a position of revered worship and shall not be violated. No person shall expose the King to any sort of accusation or action. As the technological revolution changes the way we live, we need to make a conscious effort to understand how we move forward as a free nation. We no longer have the luxury of growing through stages of national experience, as everything happens all at once, with unimaginable speed. All this communication will continue, whether we like it or not, drawing from the core of social and cultural values or from its lack and emptiness, wither as a wasted force. How can democracy and freedom be meaningful without the basic building blocks of shared values or a national vision? A collective exercise to talk about the future as a free nation can help to determine the role of free media and the press in a society. This articulation must be in harmony with the writing of a constitution or a political covenant Without acknowledged core values, media codes or legislation will operate only as so many do’s and don’ts, rules that soon will soon be observed only in the breach. A framework of responsibility and accountability should not be imposed by government. It must be adopted by a free press community. There must be an effort among those working in the media to understand what their purpose is in a democracy. This purpose – the provision of information that citizens need to be able to participate in public affairs – to be fulfilled, involves media ethics that must be learned and professional values that must be claimed. A system of self-regulation must involve not just the members of the press; but also the people that media claim to serve. If the media is seen as “the watchdog” of those in power, then who will watch the watchdogs? Ultimately, the people are the real watchdogs. It is they who hold sovereign will. In response, the public must learn to use the new media, not just for their personal satisfaction; but also as way to build up a learning community. Internet freedom like all freedoms imposes its responsibilities on individuals acting on their own, as they reach out through these venues for communication, using these channels so they can hold a coherent and comprehensive conversation about themselves as a people, their problems and their opportunities. The framework of governance must include state agencies and public officials learning to engaged the free press, setting up information systems that promote public awareness. Public information must not be something tacked on as an added duty. Information should be part of governance. Media literacy in this age is an obligatory skill for citizens in a democracy. The public must be aware of media in all its forms, and the frameworks established for their utility to democracy and citizenship. Again, its interesting to note: A system of self-regulation must involve not just the members of the press; but also the people that media claim to serve. Ultimately, the people are the real watchdogs. It is they who hold sovereign will. With this in mind, have you ever really wondered why the people of the Philippines have been in absolute chaos and control by the Spaniards for 400 years? And yet to date we are still bound to do nothing about the state of neglect and waste our leaders have imposed on our institution and its members they rely on for their livelihood! Or do we purposely submit ourselves because we are LEGALLY NOT TRUE SDA MEMBERS UNDER THE LAW OF THE LAND considering the constitutional provisions of the CORPORATIONS ACT and REGULATIONS instituted by our leaders from the Division, Conference and Mission level? One thing for sure thats been legally proven and decided by our courts is that here is really no SDA Church at all under the Corporations Law of the Philippines and that is where the former ECSA group has won the battle of our identity crises as a church, that is where failure after failure, deceit after deceit, thievery after thievery has gotten uncontrolled or checked. The registered CORPORATIONS has it that all Directors are immune to being prosecuted after their term. We as members cannot legally hold them accountable! but we for sure know that we can cut the support in the bud. Otherwise other legal means can only be derived and initiated by those who are true and honest within.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 14:09:47 +0000

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