The Reclamation of Independence for the Republic for the united - TopicsExpress


The Reclamation of Independence for the Republic for the united States of America GENERAL PUBLIC NOTICE Foreword: This and all other documentation prepared by the People of the united States of America constitute findings and recommendations for the people of the united States of America to use in the restoration of the great Republic to its intended form and to assist them in securing for themselves both the individual liberties and economic function which the original founders intended them to have. Those preparing and presenting this documentation represent no one, are not members of any political party or organization and have absolutely no affiliation with any corporate or commercial enterprise except such owned by and used to sustain ourselves. We are the People. This documentation is presented as a public service to the people of the united States of America and to the populations of the world as well. It is public property and may be freely copied, distributed and used, by anyone, anywhere and in any manner they see fit. Description of the current Corporate Economic/Political system existing in Treason of the Republic and its People: INSANITY ! Oh yeah, just keep trusting and believing people. Keep thinking that its okay for Private Banks who exist as a parasitic infection on humanity and create nothing, to issue public money into circulation as Private Interest Bearing Bank Debt and then incrementally consume the populations entire wealth and productive effort with interest on the Debt that they do not create. Keep thinking that money can be a business for profit, making it a random thing and then expecting it can sustain function in such a thing as a free and independent trade and enterprise system which is also a random thing. Keep bearing the burdens of never enough when we as a population are capable of creating a rich abundance beyond anyones imagination were it not for the fact that our ability to do and exchange this is restricted by the Private Banks that own and issue the Public money as Private Interest Bearing Bank Debt. Keep believing that you are part of this system and an enemy of Communism/Socialism when Communism/Socialism is simply and only the final evolution of Free Market Capitalism where the Private Banks that own the Capitalist money establish the power through the Political system that they own to keep what they have stolen with it once the people have nothing left for them to steal. Keep thinking that you can affect change through your vote when the entire election process and every single political party, including the Republicans, the Democrats and even the Tea Party and Libertarian Party are owned by these same Private Banks who give you their choices of candidates to vote for, when democracy under the current conditions is nothing more than a lie told by thieves in order to convince fools that they are being robbed by their own consent. You didnt realize you were all on the same team, did you ? Keep drinking that fluoride people, so you can continue to trust and believe and never, ever allow yourself to think, or to question what you have been told by your Politicians or on the Network News, which are also all owned by the same Private Banks that own your money. Have we managed to define INSANITY here ? The Solution: Since the Private Banks that own the Corporate Government also own and control the democratic process, the single and only option that remains toward the restoration of the Republic to its original intent is the forcible arrest/removal of all individuals involved in the current Private Bank/Corporate Government Criminal enterprise with subsequent trials proving and holding them accountable for their Treason, with full legal justification for this removal being provided by the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the worldwide OPPT legal filings of which every Bank, Public Corporation and Corporate Government currently exist in default. This will also include the seizure of all assets from these Treasonous elements for restoration to the people, etc.. Removal will be accomplished by members of the population in support of this effort and by using the Treasons own assets against it, all of whom have sworn allegiance to the Republic and its Constitution and who currently face a binding legal obligation to either participate in the removal or be held individually and criminally liable for complicity in the Treason of which all have been served notice and are fully aware. If well organized this can be accomplished in a matter of days with minimal consequences to the general population. Complete nullification of all actions of the United States Government since its illegal and unconstitutional incorporation in the service of the worlds Private Banking Families in 1871, hence returning all rights then secured only to the Corporation back to the population, along with elimination by default and conflict of any and all clauses contained in the Constitution, established by prior Treasonous elements, in service of these same Private Banking Families, which conflict with the intent and purpose stated in the Declaration of Independence and/or with other clauses contained in the Constitution with which they are in conflict.. The end result will be a clear and concise document permanently securing the rights of the sovereign people which can be enforced to the word and to the letter leaving absolutely no room for interpretation. The complete and total dismantling of the current Political/Economic system of Debt Slavery and the establishment of simple and functioning systems in full compliance with the intent and principles established by the Declaration and the terms and conditions established by the Constitution, hence securing in full, both the Republic and its political and economic function to the Sovereign people of the Republic. The people must issue and manage a real, legitimate, legal and constitutional public currency which exists simply and only as a legal representation of wealth for trade, as a public service, by the people to themselves, through the United States Treasury so that enough of it can be maintained in circulation for the population to exchange everything they have available for trade, ON PURPOSE and ALL THE TIME. The people must back the currency with the full value of the full extent of the wealth that the currency is needed to trade for and regulate its value by maintaining balance between currency in circulation and goods and services created/made available by the population for trade. Recession/depression become impossible as money is regulated by the populations productive effort as opposed to the populations productive effort being regulated by money. That it has always and ever been otherwise is COMPLETELY, TOTALLY AND IRREVOCABLY INSANE !. The public currency and economy will now exist to serve the people and exist to promote the creation and trade of wealth by the population, as opposed to the people existing in slavery to illegal and unconstitutional Private Bank Debt, issued as a means of incrementally consuming their wealth and progressively reducing them under absolute despotism. Benefits to the People of the Reclamation: Securing to every individual the full rights and freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution for the Republic of the United States of America, including the absolute right of each individual to live, acquire and do exactly what they choose provided that the exercise of such rights do not interfere with the rights of another individual to the same. Securing to every individual the absolute right to the creation and trade of their own productive efforts with other members of the population, along with the absolute right of every individual to keep the full benefits of the same. In other words, the total abolishment of all forms of taxes and any and all other involuntary servitude, in any form. All debts, public and private, of every individual will be rendered null and void due to having been illegally and unconstitutionally created, with every individual retaining and securing full title to all assets in their possession and owing nothing. Securing of full economic function to every individual, as Congress will be required to maintain a circulation of public currency to facilitate the trade of all goods and services created by the population for trade. Currency injections necessary to maintain such circulation in excess of the costs of maintaining government will be injected directly into the hands of the population by all levels of government and we expect that as the economy expands they will very rapidly become sufficient to cover the basic costs of living above and beyond what the people are able to earn, progressively increasing thereafter as technology and production capacity expands, with such public benefits being equally distributed to every individual residing within the Republic. Hence also enabling the population to obtain the benefits of such technological development as it progressively replaces human labor. Neither sustainable economic growth nor technological development can be facilitated without the ability to inject free purchasing power into the system for the population to obtain it. The full right of every individual to maintain an account with the United States Treasury, nor shall there be any requirement to maintain such an account in order to conduct business within the Republic. The United States Treasury will provide full financial services to the population, will provide full access to such services through local offices, including the issue of secured, interest free loans of the public currency on demand. The right of every individual to receive full restoration of the theft of the former Private Bank/Corporate Government Criminal Enterprise which has been perpetrated on the American population. This should consist of an immediate injection of $ 200,000.00 United States Dollars into the hands of every individual immediately upon removal of the Treasonous elements, to be followed with additional injections over a period of approximately 5 years following the removal of the Treason, which we expect will total at least $ 750,000.00 per individual and possibly much more once a full accounting of the theft is rendered, with such benefit being equally distributed to all inhabitants of the Republic. Said injection also being necessary in order to give the population the purchasing power in order to freely and naturally restore the economic function of the Republic to the levels where it should have been without the theft. Counterfeit Federal Reserve notes/credit legitimately in the possession of members of the population will be exchanged for United States currency at a 7:1 ratio establishing a value for the currency equivalent to 4 pounds of processed low grade Iron/steel to one Dollar. This will remain simply and only a measure of value for the currency, with the backing and circulation of the currency established by the total volume of goods and services available among the population for trade at this value. Again, the question simply is, can every useful person in America create a million dollars worth of real wealth for every member of the population in the next 5 years ?. The answer is yes, we can do this easily. Return of full sovereignty to people of the Republic where all levels of Government as well as the public currency and economy exist strictly and only in service to them. Full elections should be instated within 5 years of the initial removal of the Treasonous elements in order to give those accomplishing the removal, time to accomplish this removal in full, secure the restoration of full economic function to the people and establish such governing processes as will secure them to the people as well. Public policy for all levels of Government should primarily be decided by referendum with the people voting on all proposals and issues along with a requirement by each individual to demonstrate that they know what they are voting for. ______________________________ Further details and historical background for the Reclamation of Independence can be found in our Intent and Purpose for Public Presentation Full details in terms of securing the currency and economy of the Republic to the people can be found in our Plan for Economic Restoration and Function
Posted on: Sat, 23 Nov 2013 09:25:52 +0000

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