The Red Amendment states that the 14th Amendment instituted a de - TopicsExpress


The Red Amendment states that the 14th Amendment instituted a de facto government while under martial law. And, in order to remain in the new United States one must commit treason against the Organic Government through voting. The PAC also promotes the Expatriation Act that was passed shortly after the 14th Amendment as a way to remove ones self from this rebellious position and once again become a Citizen of the state you reside in. However, what the Red Amendment and PAC dont address is the Corporation that was created by this de facto government which was operating under martial law and this is where Team Law comes in. A Historical Introduction To The U.S. Constitution 14th Amendment The Flow of Events The flow of events started shortly after the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment. The Congress proposed the first “Civil Rights Act” of 1866 (14 Stat. 27, Ch. 31) and immediately the Congress feared that this “Act” would be challenged and found unconstitutional, especially when the US Supreme Court had recently ruled in the Dred Scott v. Sanford, (19 How. 404, 15 L.Ed. 691) case that the Constitution of the United States does not allow a colored person the ability to obtain the status of “citizen.” Before the ink was dry on this “Act” of Congress; the Congress thought it best to amend the Constitution for the United States so as to give the colored people the status of citizenship but immediately ran into more problems. The “northern” members of Congress had serious doubts that they could trust any delegation from the “southern States” to vote on such a resolution so they refused to allow them to be seated in Congress. Furthermore, the Senate expelled Senator John P. Stockton of New Jersey from the Senate Chambers for casting a negative vote on the Joint Resolution which denied the U.S. Senate of the required 2/3rd votes in adopting Resolutions to amend the U.S. Constitution. [see New Jersey Joint Resolution No. 1 certified by Secretary of State of New Jersey on March 27th, 1868]. With a recount, the U.S. Senate obtained the required number of votes. If this was not bad enough; the Congress seriously doubted that the President would give his “approbation” (and for fear of not being able to muster enough votes for an over-ride of a Presidential Veto); the Congress did not pass the “resolution” on to the President of the United States as required by Article I, Section 6, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution. Over the “objection” of the President of the United States and the ”objections” of the “southern States;” the Congress submitted the 14th Amendment to the States for ratification which included the ten southern States. Read the rest and more here: 14th-amendment/introduction.htm
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 17:04:24 +0000

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