The Republic of Cuba, well, naturally, as per my tradition I will - TopicsExpress


The Republic of Cuba, well, naturally, as per my tradition I will be starting with criticisms. The Cubans strategic stance on the world, while ballsy has been incredibly risky and selfish to its people. Perhaps if backed during its formation by other South American nations this would be different, but a Stalinistic Communism has no place so close to the United States. Unless it has the power to survive the United States, thankfully the USSR kept them around. Cuba was also originally a Stalinist Communism which is the disgusting totalitarian kind of Communism that drove the world away from the greatest political/economic system on the face of the earth. But they amended this so it is no longer a worry, another criticism is how they focused their military, with Soviet subsidies the Cubans were capable of creating a navy. They made an army instead, as an island nation thats idiotic move, a significant navy would have stopped the international embargo which has just recently been lifted. And caused an American one which stands to this day. Now those are all my critiques of Cuba, let us get to the positives. Cuba has underwent political reforms under Fidel Castro to refocus itself to Leninist and Marxist influenced Communism in 1992 (I THINK.) which is a wonderful reflection of Castros true desires. He required the Soviet subsidies to survive and lets take a look at what had happened the year before this reform? The Soviet Union collapsed, thus, he had nothing to lose. So, this makes Cuba the only Communist nation on the planet that bases itself off of Leninist, Marxist, and Engelsism...The good kinds of Communism, Trotskyism not withstanding. Cuba has also fought for Human rights across the planet, fighting Imperialism in Africa and providing economic/medical support for South American and Asian communist revolutions. And their moves against Imperialism? It saved the nation of Angola from the Apartheid regime of South Africa, basically, the most radically racist nation that wasnt facist...EVER. They also played a role in the downfall of Apartheid and were supporters of Nelson Mandela, the Humanitarian that pulled South Africa from Apartheid. Im...Going to avoid stating the United States standing on Apartheid and Mandela. But back to Cuba, it is the only nation on the face of the Earth to have met the Worldwide Fund for Natures definition of sustainable development. Basically making it the most green and resource conservative nation on the face of the earth with the lowest ecological footprint. Cuba is one of the only five remaining Communist nations, a feat made more impressive by its geographical location placing it in the backyard of the most anti communist country ever. The other nations being China, Laos, North Korea, and Vietnam. Also making Cuba the most diplomatically isolated nation on the face of the Earth, being the lone beacon of Communism that isnt in Asia, and also being the only Communist country that does it right. Cuba has staunchly resisted American attempts at bullying them towards American styles of government, as it continues to be the only American country not a member of The Organization of American States and while the OAS moved to put Cuba back into it after a forty-seven year embargo the nation has staunchly refused maintaining Communist ideals of not trading with the Bourgeois that rule the Capitalist Americas. However to say that Cuba stood completely alone would be a fallacy, the nation has developed close ties with Venezuela. (A nation I advise watching.) Bolivia and the Peoples Republic of China. Which gives it the natural resources it needs to continue its anti capitalism stance that was threatened up until recently. Cuba has also sent medical aid to many South American nations and thirty thousand medical personnel to the nation of Venezuela alone. Cuba also ranks tenth in literacy rates of all nations on the face of the earth, its exact percentage of educated citizens being ninety nine point eight percent. Cuba can also be accredited to supporting the successful Algerian revolution. And the best part of Cuba? It is the ONLY DEVELOPING NATION THAT IS KNOWN TO HAVE A INFLUENCE ON THE WORLD STAGE EQUAL TO A MAJOR WORLD POWER.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 23:22:39 +0000

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