The Republic of South Sudan does not belong to a particular - TopicsExpress


The Republic of South Sudan does not belong to a particular tribe—it belongs to all tribes of South Sudan; those who think so should think coherently. The truth is, tribalism kills and destroys. South Sudan is a young dumb country and it needs all kinds of help. South Sudan is a dumb puppy with big teeth that bite and hurt. And we take care of South Sudan. We hold South Sudan to our bosom; we feed South Sudan, we make love to South Sudan. There wouldnt be a South Sudan if it wasnt for our contributions all. We have some dedicated South Sudanese who died and who will die a million deaths to save South Sudan. And this is home for us.Wilderness gave us knowledge. Wilderness made us human. We came from here. Perhaps that is why so many of us feel a strong bond to this land called South Sudan; it is the land of our youth. If the (Government and Rebels) allows the people of Upper Nile to be removed forever from their land/homes and their way of life, then genocide will happen elsewhere because it will be seen as something that works. It must not be allowed to work. The people of Upper Nile need to go home now. I write this for them, and for that day, ... and for those still living who might yet have beautiful lives in this country. South Sudan leaders should not turn the country into a giant collector of donations and loans from wealthy nations—they must find other plausible means to help established their economic security so as to minimize poverty. This incoherent blunder on the mainland must be scrutinized. South Sudan is always going to be okay as long as her Citizens dont totally lose their mind, , cause well pick up the pieces and turn it into a new dance!! As they say: A baking man will grasp at a hangman. Whoever gets the job will be dragged into the heat, forced to wear a massive pair of iron shoes, and frog-marched across the minefield at gunpoint. But I dont give a damn. I am yearning for CHANGE towards the treatment of our mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, uncles.......who are stranded in UN camps, IDPS, Refugees camps, Bushes etc
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 16:26:49 +0000

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