The Republican Party, has no national goals. You have to agree, - TopicsExpress


The Republican Party, has no national goals. You have to agree, that by the time Obama is no more, we will have a 20 Trillion dollar debt. Who is talking about doing something about that:? The T-Party. Who is talking about simplification of the over burdening tax code? The T-Party. Who is willing to work out a plan to save Social Security? The T-Party. Who is proposing a workable plan to reduce the size of government? The T-Party. Who is for a strong national defense? The T-Party. Who was against Obama Care and has a specific plan to straighten Obamas mess out? The T-Party. Who is it that believes in the Constitution that protects us from an over reaching Government? The T-Party. These are a few examples that I just came up with on short notice. But the Speaker and Mitch McConnell in the US, Senate have not had an original thought in 20 years. Ive written them and nothing. Ive warned them and they just ignore us little people. They have no clue and have no workable plan to solve any problems. They are stuck in a rut and get pissed when the T-Party member of Congress comes up with an idea that they didnt think of. So If the GOP gets in the majority, I dont see anything significant happening on any issue. That is where the word RINO comes into play.Republicans once did stand for something. Those days are long gone.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 02:27:50 +0000

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