The Republican War on Women began after the Mainstream Media went - TopicsExpress


The Republican War on Women began after the Mainstream Media went crazy when Rush Limbaugh suggested that Sandra Fluke, a 30 year old activist law school student, was a slut for demanding that her contraception should be covered by her Catholic University insurance. Limbaugh was universally criticized by everyone and Fluke became a hero for womens causes and was a featured speaker at the DNC convention. Sarah Palin, who also possesses ovaries, is a treated by the left as a joke by the Mainstream Media. Lunatic MSNBC host Martin Bashir called her a “resident dunce” and a “world class idiot. He added When Mrs. Palin invokes slavery, she doesn’t just prove her rank ignorance. She confirms if anyone truly qualified for a dose of discipline from Thomas Thistlewood, she would be the outstanding candidate. I will not describe the discipline that Bashir said would be appropriate for Ms. Palin. Bashir, of course, had been outraged by Limbaughs comments noting they were idiotic and called Fluke courageous. Limbaugh was universally criticized by the left and the right and was subjected to a multitude of boycotts and attacks. Bashir issued an apology, while NBC and the rest of the mainstream media reacted with a collective yawn. No outrage from Nancy Pelosi or Oprah or Matt Damon. Nothing. Just like rascism, misogynism is useful only to promote the leftist political agenda by our Mainstream Media. What a joke.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 12:05:25 +0000

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