The Republicans have taken control of the U.S. House and U.S. - TopicsExpress


The Republicans have taken control of the U.S. House and U.S. Senate so what does that mean for the rest of us? Their talking points throughout the campaign were jobs and the economy but are they really going to be able to move the needle on that issue? One of the biggest obstacles to jobs and the economy is Obama Care, it is crushing small business owners and the middle class so if they are to be taken seriously their first step will be to repeal that. Full repeal, none of this line item business they have been referring to. While the law is an abomination and they can easily pick the low hanging fruit such as eliminating the excessive tax on medical equipment that is simply not going to cut it. The law itself is the reason for jobs and the economy getting crushed so if they are to be taken seriously it must be repealed. Anything less is just smoke and mirrors. Now that they have total control of congress we will see the military industrial complex ignite and we are going to now go to war with Iran and see our military get involved in many places around the globe that we have no business in. War always creates jobs but if these politicians would operate according to a constitutional form of government and only spend money on the 17 enumerated powers they are authorized to do so as outlined in the Constitution all the states would prosper and poverty would disappear but they will not do that. However, they will be hell bent on war and this I am afraid will have negative consequences that none of them for see as they whip the public up into a frenzy creating fear in the name of terrorism. Along with the additional wars we are going to see a rise of a massive police state where the for profit prison industry is going to boom and we are going to see our civil liberties and Constitutional rights obliterated. People will look the other way though because they dont think these social issues matter and that the government will actually keep you safe. The federal Real ID Act is a major part of this and they will rush it through based on one manufactured crises or another and we will see our Second Amendment rights shredded further as they advance draconian policy dressed up in the form of stopping violence against women which is really just a massive federal welfare program that allocates millions of dollars to local and state law enforcement offices along with the further militarization of the police. Crony Corporatism will prevail, pork barrel spending will increase, the budget will not be balanced and they will play politics with that and blame the usual suspects so they can avoid being held accountable. They Republicans will do nothing to stop President Obamas Executive Orders on amnesty and we are going to see out nation flooded with illegals and they will fail to secure the border, instead they will require automatic tracking of the American people while illegals roam lawless. This goes hand in hand with the Real ID Act. American families will continue to be destroyed as they pass laws that crush father and remove them from their children which will further destabilize our culture and the family unit but again, people will look the other way because these social issues dont matter even though the economy and ability for the next generation to be able to get the education and support they need from an established family unit will erode and the state and federal government becomes the ad hoc dead beat Dad in the absence of all the fathers that have been destroyed by their polices so our own children will be on par with the ignorant and uneducated as those crossing the border illegally. Compound this with the fact that Common Core will be the international standards (that no other nations use) and the end result is easy to predict. On that note we are still working to repeal Common Core in Maine but that will come in a later update when the final results are in for the state legislature and I reach out to them and introduce the bill The Maine Equal Rights Center crafted to repeal that law in our state so we can make our case as to the importance and gravity to this issue and the consequences if we dont. There are many other issues that fall in line with these matters but for the sake of time wanted to outline what we would be seeing Do I hope I am wrong about this, yes, I hope I have never been more wrong in my life but over the next year or two time will tell if I am or not. So what is the good news about this? Well, the Republicans can say they won but if they fail to uphold their oaths of office then we all lose.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 15:06:18 +0000

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