The Return of the Khilafah is near The believers should have - TopicsExpress


The Return of the Khilafah is near The believers should have firm confidence in Allah, that His victory is coming, and that the Khilafah will be established. The Prophet ( ) has brought us good tidings concerning the re-establishment of the Khilafah. Imam Ahmad has narrated that the Prophet ( ) said: تكون النبوة فيكم ما شاء الله أن تكون ثم يرفعها إذا شاء أن يرفعها ثم تكون خلافة على منهاج النبوة فتكون ما شاء الله أن تكون ثم يرفعه ا إذا شاء الله أن يرفعها ثم تكون ملكا عاضا فيكون ما شاء الله أن يكون ثم يرفعها إذا شاء أن يرفعها ثم تكون ملكا جبرية فتكون ما شاء الله أن تكون ثم يرفعها إذا شاء أن يرفعها ثم تكون خلافة على منهاج النبوة “The prophethood will be among you as long as allah wills, then he will eliminate it if he so wills. Then a khilafah on the model of prophethood will prevail so long as allah wills, then he will elminate it if he so wills. Then there will be a biting monarchy as long as allah wills, then he will eliminate it if he so wills. Then there will be an oppresive monarchy as long as allah wills, then he will eliminate it if he so wills. Then a khilafah on the way of prophethood will prevail and he kept silent.” This hadith is one of the signs of prophethood because it gives information about the unseen, most of what is mentioned in the hadith concerning the prophethood, the Khilafah, the biting monarchy and the oppressive monarchy has been verified. That which remains to be seen is the last part of the hadith, i.e. the restoration of the Rightly Guided Khilafah. In another hadith, the Prophet ( ) described how the territories of the Khilafah would expand and its conquests would be many. Imam Ahmad and Ad-Darmi narrated on the authority of Abu Qubail, who said: وعن أبي قبيل قال: آنا عند عبدالله بن عمرو بن العاص، وسئل أي أولاً القسطنطينية أو رومية؟ فدعا عبدالله بصندوق له المدينتين تفتح قال: فقال عبدالله: بينما نحن حول رسول خلق، قال: فأخرج منه آتاباً. الله صلى الله عليه الله صلى الله عليه وسلم نكتب، إذ سئل رسول الله وسلم: أي المدينتين تفتح أولاً أقسطنطينية أو رومية؟ فقال رسول صلى الله عليه وسلم: [مدينة هرقل تفتح أولاً]. يعني قسطنطينية (رواه والدارمي وغيرهما وصححه الألباني في السلسلة الصحيحة). أحمد “We were with abdullah bin amr bin al ass and he was asked, ‘which of the two cities will be opened first, constantinople or rome? Whereupon abdullah sent for a box which contained rings, he brought out of it a book, abdullah said: while we were sitting around the prophet ( ) writing, the prophet ( ) was asked which of the two cities will be opened first, would it be constantinople or rome? The prophet ( ) said: the city of heraculius (meaning constantinople) will be opened first.” The above mentioned hadiths indicate that the Muslims will open Rome, the capital of Italy, the home of the Pope and the stronghold of Christianity and that the Khilafah will return and remain.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 02:40:49 +0000

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