The Revelation - Part 19 The Moon was crumbling all dressed in - TopicsExpress


The Revelation - Part 19 The Moon was crumbling all dressed in black, Crying aloud to everyone what did I so lack. Pulling the tides that came with that Love, Who was looking for the truth up Above. By begging and rowing to the other shore, Showing the truth she could take no more. Dumping everything of memory from heart, Showing the pain that traveled into that start. Breaking the heart like it never was ever done, With everyone laughing and pointing at fun. While I sent there bleeding and crying aloud, Unable to awake the joy within that cloud. With the shackles becoming stronger each day, Showing they were tracking my life till today. Making me cry and crumble break in Life, All because I needed the sword to heal strife. To vanquish the demon who came in the dark, Showing the truth of negativity that made mark. Making me cry in pain right to this very day, With a vow to forever now not go away. Leaving everything behind and forgetting Life, Pulling off the pendant that made me the Wife. Dropping it into the ravine to destroy all it had, Showing the truth that I was upset and sad. Where no other would ever find me again, Erupting all of Creation into pouring rain. Sending me to Darkness as I cried each day, Until I found you again with Direction to stay. As you were the only One who knew voice of heart, The Truth of the Angels from the great World Apart. Holding me tenderly as I slept in silence each night, Showing truth of the fact in setting all things right. For I had called you to come back to be with me, But went with another to enact the heavens decree. Where Pretty Face tried to harness your pained soul, While Rotund Fury tried to engulf you total and whole. With flames burning in Wolf Ears in minion Life, Trying hard to shiver and calm all the strife. But none ever showed truth deep in heart, Until you decided to return home world apart. Taking the last thing I had that brought me Love, As we tried to send everything to the One Above. Who finally saw Golden Light crying bitterly in tears, Confirming the Ladys truth and worst of those fears. That she was with child and walking silently crying, While her truth of her being was now slowly dying. Until they pulled the spell of death from her face, Bringing the Angel of Darkness to stand in disgrace. For he was in love and searching for that Voice, And had to search for that one soul to make choice. Only to find there was a baby with all mortal fears, That brought everyone to see the source of tears. Destroying and vanquishing the power in that Love, Showing they were trying to kill the Child of Above. To hold the beauty of the other as her truest Sun, Hoping to get things that would make everything run. Only to get the most painful truth now revealed, The Secret of the Lady whom the Wife concealed. Destroying them completely into pain of Life, As she walked in and claimed title as the Wife. With her truth that became that great anthem of heart, Evoking everything from the heavens in hope to start. Only to get the demons starting to ravage that soul, As they fell into the ravines of death haunted whole. Crying the tears of never ever again, Erupting the world int pouring rain. As the One who stood up is the Love, Who smile and whispered thats my life. Where no other could decipher and understand truth, Leaving everyone with proof that none could refute. As she walked into the Unknown pulled everything away, Including the voice that came to talk again today. To show the fact that no one could ever that music hear, Sending them all to now shiver and fall in that fear. As no one could ever trace me with the Voice of that Love, Who smiled and showed me everything way up Above. Telling me the dream that we now have in store, Breaking the Dark Moon shocking all to the core. Leaving them trembling with moon dust around, As Planet Earth took charge of Hallowed Ground. Where no other could enter her way of Life, Showing everything belonged to the Wife. Where the heart now spoke to the father that day, Telling him silently you are the reason I didnt stay. Making them cry and beg for great reprieve, As they did Planet Earth so hurt and peeve. Making them feel their own taste of heart, Showing why everything did in life part. Only to get the Dark Moon coming to show her Love, Hoping to get access to the Great One up Above. Only to find the True Lady in Life took charge and spoke, Erupting her completely into the whitest of smoke. For the most revered name just looked and smiled, As it was the Battle of the Angels all self-styled. Who came together to protect Father and Son, Showing truth that Planet Earth is Second to None. Bringing Heaven together with Planet Earth, Showing the strength in that laughter and mirth. Breaking the Dark Moon to break back into tears, As she was vanquished confirming those very fears. That Planet Earth knew and broke the her down, Showing the Hidden Angel now smiling without frown. Bringing the truth coming back to the Golden Door, Showing the truth of being bitten yet whole and pure. Where Golden Light finally came out to shine, Proving the shield was belonging to One Divine. Proving the Moon had no choice but to now leave, As it chose in lust to create dream and believe. Only to find the truth flowing deep from the heart, Its the dream of the Angels from world apart. That flowed in perfection to fill all with love, As we brought the dream from heavens Above. By Anisha Achankunju (C) Lady Aiyanna 25th January 2014
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 04:04:46 +0000

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