The Reverend Franklin Graham Calls Islam “A Religion of - TopicsExpress


The Reverend Franklin Graham Calls Islam “A Religion of War”! The Reverend Franklin Graham now leads the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) and has become an outspoken defender of the weak and criticizer of the powerful. He recently spoke with the London based magazine Christian Today when he made some controversial statements (that we happen to agree with). He said that Islam has not changed in over 1500 years and has “not been hijacked by radicals” but is indeed “a religion of war.” He made the comments after being reminded of some similarly controversial things he said in 2001 after the 9/11 attacks. He said that his opinion of Islam has not changed and that the religion itself had never changed. “This is Islam. It has not been hijacked by radicals. This is the faith, this is the religion. It is what it is. It speaks for itself… It is the same. It is a religion of war. While he may believe Islam to be inherently dangerous, he also believes that it is the duty of every Christian to show love to the Muslim people and share with them the truth of the Gospel. I think it is very important that we do all that we can to try to share Gods love with Muslims because they have no hope outside of dying in Jihad. I want them to know, you do not have to die for God. God died for us. He sent His Son to die for us. We do not have to kill ourselves to please God. I want them to know that they can have eternal life. Last month, the Reverend Graham upset some liberal American “Christians” when he spoke in opposition to allowing a Muslim prayer and worship service in the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. At the time the Reverned Graham said, “It’s sad to see a church open its doors to the worship of anything other than the One True God of the Bible who sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to earth to save us from our sins.” When pressed to address his problem with allowing Muslims to worship in our nation’s National Cathedral, Graham said, The God of Islam is not the same God of the Judeo-Christian faith. The God that we worship in Christianity is a God that has a Son. To Islam, that is blasphemy, to say that God has a son. Therefore, they do not worship the God that we worship. “As followers of Jesus Christ, we ought to forge our identity in Him. I want to take my life and the time I have on this Earth to try to tell others about Jesus, that Jesus Christ is Gods son who took our sins to the Cross and shed His blood for our sins. If we are willing to put faith and trust in Him, God will forgive our sins, heal our hurts and give us eternal life. I am so thankful that Reverend Graham has chosen to speak forcefully and honestly about Islam. American Christians need to hear these truths from our religious (and political) leaders. Liberals are working hard to force some kind of moral equivalency and pretend that Christianity, Judaism and Islam are all cut from the same cloth… THEY ARE NOT.-----Judaism and Christianity are religions steeped in love, forgiveness, mercy and grace. Islam is a religion of vengeance and capricious violence. We need more Franklin Grahams willing to speak the truth.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 06:48:33 +0000

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