The Revolution for All Nigerians by U. Mokedi Title: Our Pride - TopicsExpress


The Revolution for All Nigerians by U. Mokedi Title: Our Pride Lost. To the man riding his Okada trying to make a living with barely enough to sustain himself. To our great police force going to work everyday with not enough resources to take care of his/her family and his/her personal needs while he lays down his life ensuring that armed opposition do not cause anarchy for our society. To our great Armed Forces of the Army, Navy and Airforce fighting to protect our Nation from invaders and anarchists To the trader, to the school boy/girl, to the banker, to the parent, to the Christian, to the Muslim, to the businessman, to the politician, TO ALL NIGERIANS. This is my Revolution: That our NATIONAL WILL must be such every Nigerian must be supported in a revolutionary manner fairest to him or her and with easy access to needed resources for individual growth, no matter poor or rich. That all Nigerians must be able to further all positive ambitions they choose and that where this is not possible, the only limitation that existed will be the man or woman. To all Nigerians, from the mechanic to the painter, to the electrician to the entrepreneur to the banker to the trader to the businessman to the police to the Army to the North to the South to the East to the West, for a long time we have lost our pride and made enemies of ourselves. We forgot what it meant to be truly Nigerian. I sell only foreign products. All of my engineers are Americans. Our contractors are British. The car is a French machine. We went to an Italian restaurant, not those buka. See as that guy local.Praise God I am now an American citizen. Thank God Ive gotten my green card. I only eat Swiss chocolate. These are the numerous stories of the lost Nigerian pride, pleading for our fellow countrymen/women to believe and support each other; pleading for a rebirth from inferior ideas to our Nation State; pleading for a National ideology that allows us to be the best with tears of pride, our most efficient ideologies becoming supreme traditions. How did we come to this stage? Is it because our most admired ideologies today is founded on rampart sentimental divisions, regional hatreds, poor and rich divide or tribalistic sentiments? Are these the causes of the decline onto which our National body is now exposed and vulnerable? We have been vengeful for so long. This must STOP! We must come back to COMPASSION, JUSTICE AND PEACE. Vengeance is our worst case when compared with making our National dream a reality. Our dream of revolutionary fairness and merits founded on our individual natural talents (not because you can quote everybody else, not because you have a degree, not what family you come from, not if you were born rich or poor and definitely not because one can speak English well). As we all know, our vengeance and mistrust allowed for foreign influences to shape our National identity. We must be true to ourselves; we must believe again in Nigeria and have our own talents energize the much needed purpose for National contribution instead of these political negative complaining. The truth is that It is your choice to be positive to all Nigerians, to teach, to educate, to share ideas, to be fair wherever you are. You must join the bandwagon of positivity and do positives, lead positives and be positive, so that ultimately the positives shall win, strengthen and increase. My Revolution is about individual Positive Actions in the face of any negativity. We must burst with pride in ourselves; we must burst with pride in our Nation; We must stop all these accusations and look concretely to discussing one thing alone: THE SOLUTIONS! We must choose to be rational about the path to achieving our National Greatness of oneness in revolutionary fairness, justice and a merit driven society. We must be fair and positive wherever we find ourselves. We must cement the respect for one another irrespective of tribe, religion or gender. Let us discuss solutions and listen to the issues as Great Nigerians. If this be Our Choice Now, we will clearly be on the way to our dreams and aspirations as a Nation. Only then can our voices transcend all corners of the Earth and be heard; Only then can our true leaders arise as the voices of the people; only then can our Great Nation continue a National path worthy of being a true leader in World Affairs! This is a reality worth aspiring to. Stand with the revolutionary ideal of superior arguments as our National identity. Stop the bickering. Be Positive! Do Positive! Stand with our great Nation. Stand as One! Fly the flag highest! Uzezi Mokedi
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 06:44:45 +0000

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