The Revolution in Britain will start on EARTH DAY 22 April 2015 in - TopicsExpress


The Revolution in Britain will start on EARTH DAY 22 April 2015 in the port town of Southampton where it will continue until the conclusion of the historic United Nations Climate Conference in Paris when the eco-warriors hope that we will be able to celebrate an internationally legally binding successor to the Kyoto Treaty that will finally ban the use of fossil fuels everywhere on the earth and succeed in helping to save humanity from being driven to extinction this century as a result of global warming. The Revolution in Southampton will be an uprising by the local residents declaring their independence from central government control with a little help from the eco-warriors planting trees and vegetables and holding an alternative climate summit all through EARTH YEAR 2015 to reveal the real truth to the whole world about the catastrophic dangers of global warming and climate change that is being suppressed and censored by the mainstream news media. More and more eminent and reputable scientists are now openly stating that global temperatures are likely to increase by between 4 and 10 degrees Celsius within the next 40 years, which will make the planet completely uninhabitable and wipe out all life on earth including the human race which will become extinct by the end of this century. The problem is that the damage has already been done by the greenhouse gases that have been accumulating in the atmosphere for the past 40 years and the earth is now on the brink of a planetary disaster, with the polar ice caps melting and the sea levels rising causing worldwide flooding which is drowning entire island nations in the South Pacific and swamping all the low-lying coastal areas of many other countries as well. There are trillions of tonnes of frozen methane hydrate gas in the polar regions which are now melting and threatening an Apocalyptic ecological cataclysm when they finally explode like a time bomb with the force of 10,000 nuclear arsenals making the earths atmosphere searingly hot and sulphurous like the planet Venus and impossible for any life to survive. Stopping global warming from destroying the earth and killing the human race is not just about “cutting carbon emissions” or reducing our consumption of consumer products, and there are now religious doomsday death cults emerging which claim that it is impossible to prevent the imminent extinction of humanity which is exactly the same message that is coming from the oil companies which dont want any action taken to stop the burning of fossil fuels. The eco-warriors believe that it WILL be possible to reverse the catastrophic effects of climate change by everybody stopping burning fossil fuels and switching to renewable energies, and with all the military forces of all the nations on earth uniting and working together to create global infrastructure projects such as building inland seas to help drain off the rising sea levels, removing CO2 from the air and the atmosphere, and terraforming the earth to make the planet habitable for future generations. The Revolution in Southampton will be all about publicising our genuine solutions to the worldwide environmental crisis and taking positive direct action in the local community to repair and reverse the damage to the local environment by planting many more trees and encouraging the wildlife to breed (including endangered species), restoring and regenerating the ecosystems, using permaculture and the micro-generation of electricity, and growing food locally. The eco-warriors are calling on all the different environmental groups and organisations like Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, Rising Tide, Oxfam, Christian Aid, the Womens Institute, the Earth Guardians Youth Movement, and Earth First! to unite and join forces and follow the example of the Zapatistas rainforest Indians in the Chiapas region of Mexico and help to set an example of how to build the futuristic town of tomorrow that will actually succeed in leading the way forward to a sustainable future for all humanity. The politicians cannot and will not do anything to stop global warming and the greedy corrupt bankers and corporate bosses who employ the politicians will not stop producing and selling the poisonous fossil fuels, so it has to be up to the ordinary people ourselves in our own local communities to lead the way forward to a brighter tomorrow and a habitable planet for future generations. The eco-warriors intend to invite the entire world news media to come and publish and broadcast the story of the Revolution in Southampton and to focus world attention on the island nations in the South Pacific that are disappearing under the rising seas as a matter of urgency, and help to make the public aware of the seriousness of the danger of global warming and of our genuine solutions that actually have a real chance of succeeding in saving humanity while there may still be time to do so. The eco-warriors want to help to save the South Pacific islands from disappearing beneath the rising sea levels even though most people seem to believe that it will be impossible to stop the burning of fossil fuels and to slow down or reverse the sea level rise which will be a mind boggling task to achieve, and the South Pacific islanders themselves are only too well aware of this but they carry on fighting regardless because they have no other choice. However it must be possible to stop global warming and stop the increasing temperatures and the melting ice caps and the rising sea levels if enough people in their own local communities are prepared to take back the power from their corrupt and greedy governments and refuse to continue to burn fossil fuels and contribute to the evil corrupt capitalist system that is destroying the planet and killing all life on the earth including the human race. The people of the world urgently need to know the truth about global warming and the fact that the Bilderberg Group of banks, corporations, and governments is directly responsible for causing climate change by continuing to produce and sell the fossil fuels in spite of all the scientific evidence that this is what is actually causing the genocide of humanity, and to face the reality of the disastrous emergency that is actually threatening to destroy the earth and all the life that lives on it. The stark reality is that if we cannot save the South Pacific island nations from vanishing forever beneath the rising sea levels we will not be able to save many other countries from also disappearing in the worldwide flooding, and we will not be able to save the human race from also disappearing off the face of the earth this century, and possibly as soon as within the next 20 years if the melting methane hydrate time bomb explodes soon as some scientists are expecting. The United Nations climate conference in Paris in December 2015 is designed to create a successor to the Kyoto Treaty but nobody is expecting a miracle and it is extremely unlikely that a legally binding international agreement to stop the burning of fossil fuels will be signed by all the nations on earth, which will mean that the human race will still be on course for our own inglorious extinction very soon indeed. The global environmental movement needs to be getting involved in going beyond protesting to actually doing what urgently needs to be done on a local level and helping to publicise the Revolution in Southampton as soon as possible, and spreading the word about the eco-warriors genuine solutions to global warming that must be implemented immediately if humanity is going to be able to survive the greatest crisis that we have ever faced in all of human history. Local people all over the world also need to be taking positive direct action in their own local communities and to be only too well aware that their corrupt governments will probably not act decisively to stop the burning of fossil fuels, and knowing that waiting until 2020 to start doing something to combat global warming will inevitably prove to be far too late to prevent the extinction of humanity anyway. The Earth Aid Environmental Campaign. Mobile number 0758 224 2300 (+44 UK).
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 11:56:53 +0000

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