The Revolution is Here Timothy Birdnow Lock up the streets - TopicsExpress


The Revolution is Here Timothy Birdnow Lock up the streets and houses Because theres something in the air Weve got to get together sooner or later Because the revolutions here, and you know its right And you know that its right Something in the Air Thunderclap Newman In 1998 former KGB analyst Igor Panarin predicted the United States would collapse due to loose fiscal policy. Panarin made his case during the Clinton years, and at the time argued that American debt was unsustainable and the U.S. would follow the Soviet trajectory and be forced to partition. At the time most of us thought this was sour grapes, a wait until it happens to you extended tongue childishness. The fact that the U.S. did not collapse in Panarins timeframe gave us renewed hope. But Panarin has never disavowed his analysis. In 2008 Panarin made the case: When asked when the U.S. economy would collapse, Panarin said: It is already collapsing. Due to the financial crisis, three of the largest and oldest five banks on Wall Street have already ceased to exist, and two are barely surviving. Their losses are the biggest in history. Now what we will see is a change in the regulatory system on a global financial scale: America will no longer be the worlds financial regulator. When asked who would replace the U.S. in regulating world markets, he said: Two countries could assume this role: China, with its vast reserves, and Russia, which could play the role of a regulator in Eurasia. Asked why he expected the U.S. to break up into separate parts, he said: A whole range of reasons. Firstly, the financial problems in the U.S. will get worse. Millions of citizens there have lost their savings. Prices and unemployment are on the rise. General Motors and Ford are on the verge of collapse, and this means that whole cities will be left without work. Governors are already insistently demanding money from the federal center. Dissatisfaction is growing, and at the moment it is only being held back by the elections and the hope that Obama can work miracles. But by spring, it will be clear that there are no miracles. He also cited the vulnerable political setup, lack of unified national laws, and divisions among the elite, which have become clear in these crisis conditions. He predicted that the U.S. will break up into six parts - the Pacific coast, with its growing Chinese population; the South, with its Hispanics; Texas, where independence movements are on the rise; the Atlantic coast, with its distinct and separate mentality; five of the poorer central states with their large Native American populations; and the northern states, where the influence from Canada is strong. He even suggested that we could claim Alaska - it was only granted on lease, after all. End excerpt. What Panarin failed to understand at that time was that the President-elect of the United States was a marxist (he was a member of the Communist New Party in Chicago for a time), one who hated America and actually WANTED to bring the U.S. down. Panarin also failed to take into account the complete failure of will to both engage radical Islam (thanks to Mr. Obamas fondness for Islam) and his open invitation to invaders to colonize the southern parts of the U.S. While Panarin was wrong on a 2010 collapse he certainly underestimated the forces working to annihilate the United States of America. Writing here at Tea Party Nation Judson Phillips rightly called this Obamas Final Solution. In fact, Mr. Obama is using this invasion of children to fundamentally remake America, and has essentially erased the southern border. Why? Well, for starters, if enough unenculturated Hispanics come here the racist Anglo native types will be bred into minority status, which would definitely remake America. Fredo Arias-King, former top aid former Mexican President Vicente Fox, believes that both Democrats AND Republicans have held this very goal. Arias-King had this to say in 2006: If mass immigration from Latin America has debatable benefits for the United States as a whole, if a majority of the American people is against it, and if immigrants cannot vote until they become naturalized (which can take years after their arrival), why would nine-tenths of the legislators we spoke with be so keen on increasing immigration? Before these encounters, I believed that it was a problem of either diffusion of responsibility, creeping non-decision, or collective rationalization with those legislators, but that was dispelled the more of them we met. Most of them seemed to be aware of the negative or at least doubtful consequences of mass immigration from Latin America, while still advocating mass immigration. [...] Republican lawmakers we spoke with knew that naturalized Latin American immigrants and their offspring vote mostly for the Democratic Party, but still most of them (all except five) were unambiguously in favor of amnesty and of continued mass immigration (at least from Mexico). [...] Also curiously, the Republican enthusiasm for increased immigration also was not so much about voting in the end, even with converted Latinos. Instead, these legislators seemingly believed that they could weaken the restraining and frustrating straightjacket devised by the Founding Fathers and abetted by American norms. In that idealized new United States, political uncertainty, demanding constituents, difficult elections, and accountability in general would go away after tinkering with the People, who have given lawmakers their privileges but who, like a Sword of Damocles, can also unfairly take them away. Hispanics would acquiesce and assist in the natural progress of these legislators to remain in power and increase the scope of that power. In this sense, Republicans and Democrats were similar. I would like to remind everyone of something else, something that has largely been forgotten since the Bush years. Mr. Bush was quite eager to open this country to free and unfettered access to people from Central America and he signed legislation creating the North America Free Trade Association. American roads became part of an inter-continental highway system, and Mexican trucks were free to roam about, exempt from American safety regulations and perhaps carrying things or people who we do not want coming into this country, particularly in time of war. In point of fact, the plan was to create a North American Union modeled on the European Union. And this was not just George W. Bushs dream; General and former CIA chief David Patraeus recently that this is coming: Speaking at the Margaret Thatcher Conference on Liberty last week in London, the ex-commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan and Iraq essentially celebrated the end of U.S. independence — and by extension, the demise of the Constitution. “After America comes North America,” Petraeus said confidently in answering the question about what comes after the United States, the theme of the panel discussion. “Are we on the threshold of the North American decade, question mark? I threw that away — threw away the question mark — and boldly proclaimed the coming North American decade, says the title now.” He also boasted about how the three economies have been put “together” over the last 20 years as part of the “implementation” of the North American Free Trade Act. The “highly integrated” forces of Canada, the United States, and Mexico, Petraeus continued, will become the world’s powerhouse for energy and science. “There are four revolutions that are ongoing at various levels in each of the countries but foremost in the United States,” said the former CIA chief, who now serves as chairman of the KKR Global Institute. “The energy revolution is the first of those, which has created the biggest change in geopolitics since the rise of China since 1978.” The other “revolutions” include IT, manufacturing, and life sciences, which, “as highly integrated as they are, allow you to argue that after America comes North America,” he added. End excerpt. Now Patraeus has inside information - lots of it. What does he know? Well, how do you subsume the most powerful nation on Earth into a new country, one that will contain dirt-poor, Spanish-speaking Latinos? You must first break the powerful English-speaking countries. How? Cloward Piven, of course; overwhelm the system. Open the borders to a flood of colonists who will scatter around the country, making them impossible to catch and deport. Overstress the services with Third World diseases at a time that the health care system is under enormous stress as a result of taking on too many people via the Obamacare government mandate. Spend money hand over fist to bankrupt the U.S. treasury, forcing us to either choose joining the new country as a bankrupt failed state or being forced to accept the partition that Dr. Panarin warned would come. Panarin believes Russians, Chinese, and Mexicans will dominate the collapsed U.S. If so, what are our alternatives? The one that our good Progressive friends have prepared is the Anschluss of North America into this new nation, one without all the old sins of patriotism, capitalism, sectionalism, racism. In short, I believe the chaos on the border is intended to stampede America onto the killing field, where she will be slaughtered. And the collapse of American power abroad was a part of this strategy, as it adds to the general chaos and sense of helplessness we Americans are experiencing. In 1975 film Rollerball the director of the Energy Corporation (corporations now ruled the world in a fascistic/crony capitalist system) Mr. Bartholemew said the purpose of the game Rollerball was to illustrate the futility of individual action. Americas defeats abroad are intended to play a similar role, in my opinion; Obama and his socialist cronies want to illustrate to America the futility of force of arms, to quash any resistance to the Revolution he is implenenting. Defeat in war has often destroyed national self-confidence through history, and the European Union exists because of the crisis of confidence brought on by the two world wars and the subsequent rise of American (and Russian) power. Europe came to detest and be ashamed of her culture and heritage, and the result has been social democracy and the E.U., things near and dear to the hearts of people like Mr. Obama and his Chicago socialist mafia. So the Revolution will be built on overspending, military defeat, alien colonization, and oppressive governmental authority. With these tools the will of America will be crushed, and as we collapse we will find ourselves with the choice of either breaking into a series of independent, broke, and powerless states or joining the Beast. And breaking into independent countries may not be possible, what with the internal police that has been set up via the Department of Homeland Security and the other oppressive agencies (IRS, NSA, EPA, etc.) The Revolution isnt coming folks; its already here.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 23:16:14 +0000

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