The Right Relationship Although fairy tales would have you - TopicsExpress


The Right Relationship Although fairy tales would have you believe that finding the prince or princess of your dreams is possible, reality has shown that relationships and people aren’t perfect. Having said that, there are ways to raise the chance of meeting your match. Here are 5 signs that someone might be the right person for you: Sign #1 – The person respects you because: a) he or she is willing to compromise rather than bulldoze through his/her agenda. b) he or she values your opinion, even if he or she doesn’t agree with it. c) he or she is genuinely happy for you when you succeed. Sign #2 – The person has qualities you’re looking for in a man or woman. Here are some tips on how to look: a) know in advance the qualities that matter to you. b) make a list of 10 and cross out the ones that are negotiable, leaving only the ones that are non-negotiable. c) although no one is perfect, you have to be careful not to lower your standards to fit someone else’s standards, in hopes of changing him or her later. Sign #3 – Your values are congruent. A good question to ask yourself is, “Am I compromising my values for this person?” Sign #4 – Pay attention to your gut – your intuition. If after the second date (everyone is somewhat nervous on the first date), you have alarms going off, listen to them. Sign #5 – You can be yourself with the person. The person accepts your strengths and weaknesses and you do the same with him or her. To learn more about how to know when a relationship is right for you, email me at [email protected]
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 06:55:08 +0000

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