The Rise of Islam in America I like to look at Bible prophecy - TopicsExpress


The Rise of Islam in America I like to look at Bible prophecy like a giant puzzle with many elaborate pieces. In order for the puzzle to come together in the beautiful picture it creates all of the pieces have to be put together correctly and not substituted with theories and speculation. Our God is not a God of confusion. If one of your pieces is wrong it will distort the whole puzzle. If you do not understand a piece then leave it alone and work on the rest of the puzzle; the rest of the pieces will fall into place. Most importantly pray. You do not see what you see by your own intellect; you see because of Gods grace, because He has allowed you too. Of course some of these pieces are far more important and merit a great deal of attention much more than other pieces. One of the biggest pieces of the puzzle is that of Islam. You must understand this piece. Let us start with this simple verse in Revelations 20:4....And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. This verse has another very important subject in it, but for the sake of time and staying on subject lets focus on the souls that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus. We see that in end times a lot of Christians will be beheaded for their faith in Jesus. Let us reason and put our finger on this. There is only one religion that I can think of that is currently beheading and killing Christians in droves and it is that of Islam in the name of Allah. Again for the sake of time if you do not see this please just turn on the news or internet. So now that we have found the source of the beheadings lets take a closer look at Islam and the reason behind this and what it means for the future of America and the world. I realize not all who are reading this are in America, but it is where I reside and is what I have put most of my research into. Muslims, what followers of Islam are called, believe they are doing great service to their God Allah, who is really Satan, every time they cut the head off of a Christian. Their Quran specifically tells them to do so (Ill post links in comments). So now that we have the source and the reason we can start to put more of the pieces in place. Let us put the microscope on America and see if this scenario would even be possible. After all this is suppose to be a Christian nation that was founded on GOD; The One True Living God Jesus Christ that is. It would take major events, scenarios, and planning for this religion to set up shop and accomplish this. To lay it out bluntly America is in the middle of a full scale invasion as we speak and I do not mean America is invading another country. We are being invaded. Look at what is happening at the borders. Yes we have had a problem with illegal immigrants crossing since the borders were drawn, but why are they showing up by the thousands on trains, planes, and automobiles right now? What happened? What changed? What is the source? Ill tell you my friend. Obama, the elite who are controlling him, and Satan happened. This is a planned and orchestrated invasion to collapse and destroy this country that has been in the works for many years. While the whole nation is focused on the kids they are completely oblivious to what else is coming in with them. Notice also how its always kids who are used to blind the public. They use kids to pull at the heart strings of the population thus making it a controversial subject so when it is questioned the questioner is accused of being insensitive and heartless. The exact same method was used with Sandy Hook. You know the false flag that was used to perpetuate the agenda of taking your liberties away in the name of security? Obama even had the kids of Sandy Hook around him as he signed 23 executive orders to further the process of taking your guns. Crazy thing is Hitler did the exact same thing. There was a mass shooting involving kids in Germany when they were in the process of taking their guns and Hitler had the kids of that shooting around him as he signed executive orders the same way Obama did. Do we not learn from history? There is only one thing that gun confiscation has ever led to. Yes it is a proven fact that an overwhelming amount of known muslim terrorists that mean to do you harm are pouring into America as we speak setting up shop. America your President is a Muslim and this means everything for your future. Have you noticed who has been taking the top positions of the White House, DHS, and other very important positions of power? Proven Muslim Brotherhood members who openly and proudly admit it. Have you noticed all of the mosques going up around the country and all the rights illegals and Muslims are getting all the while our top military officials are being purged and the ranks downsized to pre WW2 sizes? Have you noticed that billions of dollars are going directly to the funding of known enemies of America? What if I told you that hundreds of thousands of guillotines (devices for beheading people) are stored and ready in the U.S.A right this moment? I have a buddy in the army who came home from leave a few years ago and told me he helped load a warehouse full of them on an army base. Naturally he was very confused and shocked. When I told him what the reason behind this was he refused to believe me. To me those are the greatest confirmations; when a non believer or scoffer has been given a sign, dream, or any other piece of evidence that supports my claims and they still dont believe. A very important factor that needs to be tied into all of this, another piece of the puzzle, is Islamic prophecy. It is very important to note that Christians and Muslims are both expecting the return of their Messiah right this moment. Both religions believe they are in the end times and that the fulfillment of the final prophecies could happen at any moment. You may here many claim Muslims and Christians serve the same God, but this could not be further from the truth. One thing that makes this very apparent is the fact that Islam and the Quran are the exact opposite of the Bible and Christianity. One of the most important aspects of end time Islamic prophecy is that they believe in order for their Messiah to come back they have to kill millions by way of nuclear war in the name of Allah. The enemies of Allah. Christians and Jews. America and Israel. Your friend, Kevin.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 17:58:52 +0000

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