The Rock vs John Cena: ★★ Justin Roberts handled the - TopicsExpress


The Rock vs John Cena: ★★ Justin Roberts handled the in-ring introductions. Rock was clearly the crowd favorite. Cena threw his t-shirt to a guy in the front row who was already wearing the new shirt. Rock and Cena came together for a staredown and to let the crowd do their thing. Referee Mike Chioda sent them to their corners and called for the bell to start the match. Great heat from the start with Rocky chants. There was a dueling Lets Go Cena and Cena Sucks chant early on. They locked up and Cena pushed Rock off. They did it again and this time Rock shoved Cena down. Cena got up and smirked. Rock applied a headlock and his facial expressions said he was squeezing hard even though his arm told a different story. Rock hit a cool flurry that resulted in him rolling up Cena, who flashed a dorky over the top look of surprise afterward. They ran the ropes a bit and Cena did a great leapfrog and got some major air in the process. Cena got the better of the exchange and applied a headlock, which led to a round of boos from a large group of fans. At 5:20, Cena blasted Rock with a stiff clothesline and then applied a bear huge. A short time later, Rock ran toward Cena, who pulled down the top rope, causing Rock to tumble to the floor. Cena followed him and dropped him on the Cole and Lawler table. Chioda asked Rock if he wanted to continue. The atmosphere was still very good. The Rock fans outnumber the Cena fans, but the Cena fans are holding their own in offering their support. Back inside the ring, Cena continued to work over Rock and hit him with a belly- to-belly suplex for a near fall at 8:10. The Rock fired back with punches, but Cena locked him in a bear hug. The Rock came to life at 11:00 and hit him with a flurry of punches. He set up for The Peoples Elbow and the crowd roared, but Cena reached up and pulled him down and went back on the offensive. Cena looked to the crowd and smirked. He was greeted with more boos than cheers. Cena did the You Cant See Me routine and connected with the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena looked to the crowd again and flashed a big smile as he set up for his finisher. He went for the Attitude Adjustment, but Rock avoided it and they came together with simultaneous clotheslines. The Rock came back with another round of offense, but Cena hit him with the Attitude Adjustment out of nowhere. Cena covered Rock, who kicked out at the last moment at 14:00. Cool spot. Cena was looking really strong while getting the majority of the offense. However, The Rock came right back with the Rock Bottom out of nowhere and went for a cover. Cole killed any suspense by yelling, The Rock did it, twice before Cena kicked out. Rock remained on offense and hit Cena with some punches in the corner and then said, Shut the f--- up. He was censored. Cena came right back and went to the top rope. Cena waited for about ten seconds for Rock to get to his feet and then hit a great top rope leg-drop on the back of Rocks head for another near fall at 17:20. The Rock came back a short time later by tackling Cena and applying the Sharpshooter. Cole questioned whether Cena would ever tap out on this stage. Cena crawled to the ropes and eventually reached them to break the hold, which drew a loud chorus of boos from the crowd. Rock pulled Cena back toward the middle of the ring and applied the hold again. Cena reached the ropes again at 19:15. They went to ringside, where Rock whipped Cena into the stairs at 20:00. Moments later, Cena went for a sunset flip and ended up applying the STF in the middle of the ring. Cole said Rock was trying to drag 265 lbs. across the ring. Nice call. Rock inched closer, but Cena released the hold and dragged him back in the ring and then reapplied the hold at 21:55. Rock did a good job of selling that he was on the verge of going out via his facial expressions. Cole said Rock would rather pass out than tap. The referee checked Rocks arm and did the lift and drop bit. It fell twice and Rock held it up the third time and then crawled to the ropes to break the hold at 23:45. Cena got to his feet first and eventually walked toward Rock, who hit him with a Samoan drop. Cena came back and went for the Attitude Adjustment, but Rock avoided it and hit the spinebuster. Rock followed up with The Peoples Elbow and went for a cover, but Cena kicked out at 26:00. The Rock got to his feet first, but Cena caught him in a small package for a near fall. Both men remained on the mat and slowly got to their feet. Cena slingshot Rock into the corner and then rolled him up for another near fall. Rock ended up seated on the top rope. Cena went after him, but Rock punched him several times to knock him down. Rock went to the top rope at 29:00. Rock did a cross body block off the top rope. Cena rolled through it and hoisted up Rock for the Attitude Adjustment. Cena hit the move and went for a cover. Rock kicked out at the last moment again in a fantastic near fall. Cena stood up and did a Rock routine by emulating the Peoples Elbow. Rock stood up and dropped him with the Rock Bottom and pinned him clean. The Rock defeated John Cena in 30:35.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 11:27:40 +0000

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